Hero Ships

Like you know, relationships. I have a bad habit of shipping characters together, and the Sentinels are no exception. Personally, I like the idea of the Wraith and Bunker getting together. What do you guys think?

Omnitronks and Stealth Bot.

Okay, so obviously Drakossozh knows where I stand on Wraith and Bunker

BUT a friend of mine has this Maia plus the Chairman when he isn't the chairman thing going. Two powerful, wealthy people with shadow lives. They'd run in the same circles of the upper echelons of Rook City. They're both highly intelligent, cultured, and ambitious. I can totally see the chairman trying to cozy up with the CEO of a fortune 500 company for his own secret purposes and Maia is just tired of talking to the same boring people all the time. It only works if it's before anyone knows who he is. (the ageless thing can be explained by "the men in my family all have the same name"

Ooooh, that sounds juicy. Kind of like a Batman, Catwoman thing, before they knew each other's identities. Flirting with each other during the day, trying to beat the hell out of each other at night. Very interesting. Should make the next Chairman battle with Wraith interesting, yes?

Another of my ships is, strangely enough, AZ and Expatriette. I can just imagine all the brooding and snarkiness and insults they'd hurl at each other; I think they'd eventually get together just to make it more convenient to snark at each other.

I know with the proposal topic, some people have alluded to shipping Absolute Zero and Expatriette.

Tachyon and Dana Bertrand.  Ship, ship hooray!


But seriously, I'm wondering if Ra might have a previous sexual/romantic relationship with one of The Ennead.  I have no evidence to back it up, but I am curious if Dr. Washington, Jr. (or even Ra, exclusively) have anything going on with someone, superpowered or otherwise.

....I guess it was only a matter of time. JUST KIDDING! If that's what makes you happy, go for it!

I'm suprised this topic hasn't been breeched sooner. I'm thinking of the freedom five, Wraith and Bunker would be the ones who aren't "taken" per se, but I've not seen them interact in any meaningful way in the cards. Also, workplace relationships rarly end well, so there's that. Reckless, your idea of Ra having a thing with one of the members of the Ennead would be interesting. (I would think Isis, and perhaps a love triangle with Osiris, because mythology theme aren't we all clever?)

Who knows? I'm probably not the one to ask, since my heart is a scarred, shriveled husk right now.

Wraith and Bunker are about the same age. I think what's more important is that Legacy and Tachyon will speculate ENDLESSLY about what those two crazy kids get up to.

I've worked in situations where I'm the youngest person (or at my church in college) and I've been told often that us twenty-somethings are the subject of endless idle speculation among the empty-nester crowd. May not be a universal experience, but if we don't ship them, I think their teammates do!

Stupid question: who is Dana Bertrand? I feel like I should know her, but I can't seem to recall....

Tachyon's wife, as shown in the Freedom Four comic.

Oh! Oops. Sorry about that. I haven't read the comic-truth be told, I'm trying to hold it off until the arc is complete for download, then I want to read through all of it in one sitting :P


Ah, shipping!  Since my playgroup likes to play SotM in a pseudo-RPG style, with ongion plotlines and whatnot, we've discussed this quite a bit.  And it resulted in some substantial changes to characters' ages because, as it stands, SotM is a very hostile environment for non-creepy romance.  Take a look:


Male Heroes:

  • Absolute Zero (age: 44)
  • Argent Adept (age: 27)
  • Bumker (age: 28)
  • Haka (age: unknown centuries)
  • Legacy (age: 47, and married)
  • Ra (age: 43/immortal)
  • Tempest (age: 136)
  • Mr. Fixer (age: 86)


Female Heroes:

  • Expatriette (age: 22)
  • Fanatic (age: unknown, seemingly young, possibly a nun)
  • Nightmist (age: 25)
  • Tachyon (age: 38, and married)
  • Visionary (age: 17)
  • Unity (age: 19)
  • Wraith (age: 23)
  • Young Legacy (age: teenager)


In other words, there is are only two male heroes younger than 43, and only one female hero older than 25.  Larger ages of nonhuman beings are essentially meaningless, so you could argue that Tempest and Haka are both available for the younger ladies, but since Haka always seemed unapproachably insane on his cards, and we're told that he's canonically grandfatherly towards everyone, I just cannot see a take on the character where this makes sense.  Likewise, you could use Fanatic's unknown age to put her in the same area as the middle-aged men, but (1) she just doesn't seem to fit that bill, and (2) I think she's sworn vows of chastity.


Until Vengeance, every human villain who has a known age is over 40, too.  It was around this time that I launched Operation: Torment Ra, declaring that not only was one of the Ennead Dr. Blake's estranged ex-wife (I agree that Isis is the clear choice, but I went for Nuit, so that Isis could be young and flirt with young heroes), but he had dated Kismet as a teenager and Dawn Cohen in college.


In our continuity, Absolute Zero got a substantial age-down and had his backstory altered, mostly to make the F4 less jerks for forcing a man into dangerous servitude.  Without that, I could not justify shipping him with Expatriette, or indeed, any available candidate. Canon Bunker and Argent Adept are open to the older half of the young female heroes, though - I am personally a fan of Nightmist/Bunker (she is known for guest appearances in F5 annuals; his down-to-earth banter and her crazy mystical stuff are a great juxtaposition; they have very different skillsets and solo series, meaning that they widen each others' narrative scope), rather than any pairings which would put the tech heroes with other tech heroes and pair up the magic heroes.  If your taste for Strange Comic Age Stuff is great enough, you could get a male option for the teenage ladies by saying that 136 is basically 19 in Maernian years - I favor a lo triangle in which he has difficulty trying to melt the icy Visionary, while Young Legacy gets reckless in her efforts to impress the alien.


As for The Wraith with either The Chairman or one of the twentysomething heroes?  Well... here's my observation: I have honestly never seen, in any medium, a stylist female thief who was not, at the least, mutually attracted to the main person trying to stop them.  I took Ermine's bio as a direct statement that Tachyon is not the only gay superheroine in Legacy Comics.  That's not a bad thing, though - not only is it progressive, but it could create a very strong partnership with Unity.



Just one note I'd like to point out. It said in his bio that Zero was in his early twenties when he hit that ever going downward spiral and THEN got hit by that lab accident in the Pike Industrial Plant, followed by saying he was in cryo storage for ten odd years? So while he's TECHNICALLY 40 odd years, physically (and mentally probably) he may not actually be that old.

That's just my two cents there. There's no helping the ages of the other heroes. 

Yeah, I kinda read AZ as being frozen literally for several years, but at the same time, they talk about how he could either go hero or be bored, which implies that he was aware of the time passing maybe?

Of course, maybe superheroes age slower than non-powered people. (even with the marvel universe time dilation, for example, magneto should be getting too old to be an actual threat any more). So while they are older, they might also have a lot of time ahead of them too.

And people like Expatriette probably don't see themselves as "young." She's got more years on her than her age suggests.

Expatriette is a punk with delusions of grandeur.  She spends her bio whining that villains don't actually know who she is.  She may have been through some harsh experiences, but nothing we've seen of her suggests maturity... as one would expect of a 90s antihero, I suppose.


And, sure, maybe canon AZ is closer in biological/mental age to my version than one would expect, although he did get a doctorate, then have a multi-year career pre-freeze, and was sitting in a tiny room (the "be bored" option) for five years post-thaw, so he could hardly have spent less than 30 years relatively active.  Oddly, this would put him closest to the early-30s implied age of most major superheroes (Batman, Superman, Iron Man, etc.) of all the Sentinels characters.



Wow, little harsh don't you think?

I'd say SHE thinks she's old. But she definitely would have a warped perspective. Unreliable narrator, as it were. Definitely trust issues. She might even be sociopathic (or maybe attachment disorder?). She doesn't need to be dishing out vengeance, she needs therapy. (That being said, I would read her comics religiously).

Of course, that also means I don't ship her with anyone. Not due to youth but due to the fact that there's no way she could even begin to approach a mutually supportive emotional relationship with another person, no matter how snarky they are.



However, I probably shoul not have said it all here, since all that matters to this thread is that she's 22.  Debating her other merits should have its own discussion if needed.


Note that I'm not saying I view my (highly unflattering) view of Expatriette as a bad thing.  Flaws make for interesting characters, and a game like SotM, which has to get each character's essence across in such a small space, needs very extreme flaws and strengths, so they can be grasped quickly.

Wait, what? Why?

Tachyon and Dana. It's really the only confirmed couple we have, besides Legacy and his still-unknown wife.

... which is exactly why those pairs do not count as SHIPPING.  The whole point is rampant speculation, whether you actually believe it, or are just amusing yourself (I favor the latter).