Heroes 0 -- Silver Gulch 1883

I was playing my first (solo) game against Shattered Timelines, and provide the following cautionary tale.

The hero team consisted of Omnitron X, The Scholar, Unity and ChronoRanger, all new characters for me.  We were fighting Le Capitan in Silver Gulch. What the Sea/Time Pirate was doing in the desert is unknown. She had - among other ongoings not pertinent to this discussion – three crew members and Maria Helena’s Revenge.  The environment had both Explosive Wagons out.  One had been dinged to 2 points, the other 5.

The increased damage was really hurting my general strategy of using the Scholar to soak up as much damage as possible, since the +2 damage was walking right through his armor.  I blew up a wagon.

In this situation – don’t blow up the wagon.

The first explosion did six points of damage to all targets, including the second wagon. Which blew up, doing four points of damage to all targets.

This was enough to destroy all 3 crew members, which did 9 points to all hero targets.

By my count, all hero targets except the Scholar took 19 points of damage, incapacitating 2.  The scholar took only 6.  Still, it was enough for me to concede the game.

So right now, my score is: Heroes – Zero Points, Silver Gulch - Eighteen Hundred Eighty-three points.  :grin:

This is one of my favorite sentences of 2013:

In this situation – don’t blow up the wagon.

One thing about this: I believe you could have chosen to destroy the second wagon before the first wagon did damage to the hero targets, and then the first wagon would immediately lose the +1 and only do four damage to each hero target.

You could either choose to have the first wagon damage the villains before or after the second wagon.  If they are going to be destroyed anyway, then damage them after so the second wagon doesn't boost the revenge damage.  If they have enough HP to survive the first wagon boosted, damage them first for 2 extra damage.

If a villain target had 2 damage reduction and two or less HP you would have to choose between destroying it and the boosted revenge.  (I think she can only manage 1 reduction, but I suppose it could come up with Wraith or Visionary providing global environment damage reduction).

Thanks!  Despite making a hash of it – and the heroes for that matter – it was a lot of fun watching it go so very far south.

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear - The Scholar had the 2 point Damage Reduction, not the villain deck.  It's just that the two points of boost from the wagons was hurting us too much for us to continue.

The damage from the crew deaths was tallied after the loss of both carts, at 3@ (H-1), as it happened after the destruction of the second cart.  You're right about the timing, though.  I probably could have figured out a way for the heroes to walk away with a little less damage.  I tend to just go around the table in turn order, especially when playing solo.  It may not be not necessary by the rules but easier to avoid getting lost.  I'm not sure if a crew member would have survived if the damage received had been 8 instead of 10, which would have saved us 3 points.

Almost the same set of decks from my game with ST last night (replace Unity w/ Expatriette).


We did not, however, see Maria Helena's Revenge. Or both Explosives Wagons at the same time. Yikes.