- If you look at [url=http://boardgamegeek.com/plays/thing/102652?userid=327824]my plays[/url], you'll see I've recently been trying Advanced Mode. I don't have Rook City or Infernal Relics yet, but overall I think I've been doing really well; I only have two losses thus far, and both have been against Advanced Miss Information... How am I supposed to do this? With a small team, I don't have the power to take her down once she flips. With a large team, she requires so many clue cards to flip that by time she does I'm already practically dead... And with how many chances she gets to destroy ongoings and equipments, I can't really build up anything while she's on her original side... Any suggestions?
What are some good characters for her? I always- ALWAYS- use Team Leader Tachyon and Dark Visionary as my first two picks for Advanced Mode, maybe I should change one of them out? Omnitron X is usually a third, but with his high reliance on equipment I'm wary to use him against Ms. Information, and am thinking of trying to use Tempest instead. Plus his Gene-Bound Shackles should be a good way to counter her 2 damage resistance... Assuming I can actually keep it out. But she seems to be capable of destroying ongoing and equipment cards like no other... Sure, Citizen Dawn can level the entire playing field, but with Dark Visionary for deck manipulation, you can completely avoid those.
It seems like a pretty good team. Dark Visionary is great as deck manipulation is key to getting her to flip early as you can always put clues on top. Omn-X can help with this by using his power to put the top card of the deck into play if it is a clue or discarding if it is not. With the damage reduction though it will make it hard for most heroes to do damage. Tachyon is still a good choice as a few Light-Speed Barrages will tear into it quite fast. Also Omni-X will need his Focused Plasma Cannons in play.
Basically have Visionary play cards you don't mind getting destroyed to allow Omni-X to actually keep cards in play. If Tachyon doesn't have a Light-Speed Barrage in hand go a head and have her toss it when Explosion in the Lab comes into play. If not that you may just have to deal with it in play for a long while. Granted only Omni-X will have more than 3 in play at once!
Mr Fixer might be an option, perhaps? I don't know what Miss Information's Avdanced rules are (we always just play Basic), but as it sounds like she gains some level of soak then maybe Tiger Claw could be of use, or Riveting Crane if Fixer can get through the soak through being buffed by Pipe Wrench and Harmony or something. And if you don't get the right tool or style you need straight away, you can still just play them anyway so you have something to throw away instead of other people losing more important gear when the inevitable destruction of your stuff occurs.
Fixer is great. Praying mantis style lets him reflect the damage she deals back to you to kill her faster, and scrap yard let you get back all the equipment she killed earlier. Also normal tachyon gets the damage going faster
Fixer is always great. Just make sure he can keep Mantis in play and you are solid
He said he doesn't have rook city or infernal relics yet. So, no Mr. Fixer, sadly!
With that in mind, throw Legacy in there? He kinda goes with everything. I mean, Legacy, Team Leader Tachyon, Dark Visionary, you're talking three of the best heroes in the game. I'd throw Wraith in there as well. Impromptu Inventions is that much extra equipment to offset the massive amounts of destruction Miss Information throws out, and those grappling hooks and throat jabs will be very helpful when she flips. Plus, she'll be good at consistently dealing out the damage to keep the diversions in line, especially with Legacy inspiring and/or galvanizing.
Great point! Lead from the front/ next evo locks her out easy. Smoke bombs mitigate damage and throat jab is a no brainer
Lead From the Front/Next Evolution doesn't lock out Miss Information. The Diversions deal a diverse set of damage, and a good amount of Miss Information's damage is heroes dealing damage to themselves, which Lead From the Front does not redirect. (Incidentally, when self-damage comes up, you kinda hope Legacy isn't boosting you!) It does block her retribution damage and her end of turn damage, though, so it's nice to have as long as she lets you keep it.
The first several turns against Miss Information are merely about surviving. If she lets you build up, great, but you can't count on it. As you point out, she is probably one of the most zealous stuff-destroyers in the game. Use powers and cards that let you get rid of diversions, reduce damage to yourself, gain life, or most importantly mess with the villain deck. Wraith, Visionary, or Nighmist can let you see what's coming - you want clues! Omnitron-X can let you play extra cards. If they are clues, go for it! (Except Suspicious Malfunction. That card can burn in hell.)
Once you have enough clues out, she flips, and starts ripping you apart. Hopefully you got a chance to build up - playing some diversionary defensive ongoing or equipment cards is helpful. You really don't want to see Missing Resources or Another Reality's Debt, so keep an eye on that deck. Once you are built up, almost every hero has the potential to bust through DR 2 - the big burst heroes like Tachyon or Bunker are perhaps the most helpful, but everybody can contribute.
Just played first game against her. Crazy we chose advanced. TLT, Eternal Haka, Mr. Fixer went down. Haka gave Bunker the last standing hero +2 reduce and his armor made him +3 reduce. Tachyon and Mr. Fixer let him collected cards as he charged his omni-cannon
Until an Isolated Hero came out neglecting our incap abilities. Bunker just went for it with 5 Hp (After taking the knock back hit). Knocking Miss Info to 3 hp and letting monorail end the game. Greatest turn around.
Gotta say the diversions definitely seem like a lot of hp or they are quite tough with the advance rules since they do so much split damage.