I really the enjoy the Villain's that have a plan or at least a story to them. It makes it easier to explain to new players.
Some nice examples:
Baron Blade - He is great for this. "We have to stop him destroying the Earth."
Grand Warlord Voss - Easy. "He is trying to invade the earth."
Gloomweaver - Good. "He is trying to get all of his Relics so that he can become stronger."
Spite - This is a good one. "He is a serial killer. We need to stop him before kills more innocents."
Dreamer - One of my favorites. "This is Visionary as a child. We need to save her from herself and the environment."
These are ok:
Ak'shabuta - This one is ok. "She is force of chaos trying to destroy the world." But if we do nothing for awhile nothing bad will happen. Maybe if the environment deck flipped two or three times she could win?
The Chairman - This is ok, too. "There is a secret underworld boss that we need to unmask so that we can save rook city from his grasp." Would be nice if he won if all of his underbosses and thugs were in play, perhaps.
Some Villains, I don't have a good story. For example?
The Matriarch - ahh???
Apostate - "Wants to capture Fanatic, maybe? Are we playing Fanatic? Do we lose if she is captured? Ahh?"
Kismet - "She is lucky. Not sure on her plan... to kill heroes I guess. Why? Uhmm?"
I guess I like it when the Villain has a plan other than let's beat on the heroes. Even if that plan hardly ever happens, it at least gives the heroes more things to think about. By the way I love Apostate, but I wish he won if he got all of his relics into play or something.
Anyway, I would be happy if people had some good stories about what some of the less obvious Villain's are doing. Thanks for the help.