I am currently in a cake decorating class and always willing to show-case my work, those who are going to be a Gen-Con this year, how would you all feel if I made a couple of cakes designed with Sentinels of the Multiverse cards? I would definately do a cake with the Freedom Five and probably another one with a few of the villains together.
If this would interest anyone please leave a comment with cake type and cards that you think would make the coolest cake!! Thank you!!!
That would be awesome. You'll want to coordinate with the >G folks to ensure:
There's a place for the cake at the booth
That it appropriately managed (Does everyone get cake? Or just the folks working the booth?)
That we have plates, forks, and something to serve it with (which I'm willing to volunteer to help with, since I'll be walking from my place to the Con)
As to cards, I love beevolant's idea of Impromptu Invention Cake (especially if it's affected by Imbued Vitality!), but Mr. Chomps (Raptor Bot) and Bee Bot are also pretty high on my list.
Thank you for this offer, Lynniekitty! If you're looking for votes for flavors, I'd suggest creating a poll (here in the forums) with the choices you're willing to make to get an idea of what would be prefered. (I'll be honest: I don't prefer chocolate cake, but carrot cake… Mmmm. )
Ha! Damn I had thought of it much earlier in the thread but didn't get round to mentioning it. Oh well, I'll just have to stick with "SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!" instead ;).