Just to make absolutely certain, the 6 heroes that Iron Legacy has as Nemesi (Nemesises?) he does an extra point of damage to, and they to him in return. Yes.
Nemeses, I believe, and that's correct.
So heroes and villains can have multiple Nemeses. That's cool. I have not beat Iron Legacy yet. Are we sure he is a 4 and not a 5?
No one has been listed as a 5, yet. I still think the Chairman is the hardest.
Yeah he's a 4. I'm actually 2-0 against him so far, which I'm pretty sure is better than my record against The Organization. It helps that he's only one target instead of a deck full of recurring ones.
It has been our experience that the difficulty levels of The Chairman, The Matriarch, and Iron Legacy are comparable, with relative difficulty of any given game depending on the heroes and environment chosen, as well as the villain's card draw.
Play Iron Legacy with no way to destroy his ongoings imo he's a 6 at that point. >.>
Based on my experience I would rate the 4's in the following order (1 being the hardest)
- Chairman
- Iron Legacy
- Matriach
Anyone beaten Iron Legacy with two heroes yet? :P I want to try it, mostly just to watch them die...
EDIT: I tried it, Iron Legacy on normal, with H=3 and in the Realm of Discord, since I've heard that's fairly easy.
Omnitron-X and Unity went badly - I didn't realise IR's fondness for hitting all targets. TPK in 4 rounds.
Omnitron-X and The Scholar also went badly - I had no real way of dealing damage, since I was scared to play components since IR would just break them. Conceded in 3 rounds.
Now my brain is too sleepy to continue resisting him, so IR wins this time...
Try adding Bunker:Engine of War into the mix. You will find that will greatly tone down Iron Legacies abilities.
I think apostate (on advance) is worse than anything I've ever seen the chairman do (also on advance)
Only if you actually draw Mode cards, which seems to be my biggest problem when playing (either version of) Bunker.
I did it! Engine of War and Ra in the Time Cataclysm took down Iron Legacy. Things that helped greatly: Engine of War's power combined with an ample supply of modes, two of IR's starting cards being Superhuman Redirections which I managed not to trigger, and Oppressive Smog from the environment greatly dampening IR's healing abilities. Even so, it was an extremely close game. I don't plan to try it again.
I just had my first experience with Iron Legacy, against Tachyon, Absolute Zero, Fanatic and Tempest in the Time Cataclysm (all randomized).
Iron Legacy just demolished Tachyon and Tempest, and AZ and Fanatic only stayed in it as long as they did because Tempest kept making them immune to Melee damage...but Toxic damage from Environment cards and Projectile damage from Flying Assault would knock them down here and there before finally knocking them out.
He's kinda scary (though two of his first four cards were Galvanize).
I had two games against Iron Legacy where his starting Ongoings included Vigilance. In the first of those two games he had, I think, two Demoralising Presence out. That was a paddling.
I looked at Iron Legacy, then on his advanced setting.
No way I am going to win against him with a random team, you really have to select who you take and I think you need the ability to One-Round him because he clearly could fix all damage dealts to him so the more you hit him the more he kill you.
I think Mister Fixer or other 1 damage heroes are really a bad idea against him.
Not necessarily - Mr Fixer with Driving Mantis and a Pipe Wrench can redirect Iron Legacy's end-of-turn damage back to himself, as long as Iron Legacy isn't buffed. That combo plus Harmony makes Strike deal three damage, so if you play Overdrive that's six damage in a turn. Alternatively you could play Charge and deal four with that, plus three from Strike for a total of seven damage (as long as Leggy doesn't have any soak, of course). Iron Legacy only has 32hp, same as normal Legacy, and little plinks of damage all add up. The main challenge is surviving long enough to deal it, that's all. Oh, and taking out as many Ongoings as possible. Mr Fixer also has his wonderful Grease Guns, which will certainly help.
Similarly, you could categorise Chrono Ranger as a "one-damage hero" since that's all the base damage his attacks ever do. But a few bounties and the Masadah and you have a way to deal damage that totally ignores Iron Leggy's soak, plus if you have the "Ultimate Target" and "By Any Means" bounties you get an extra +2 damage on top of that.
I would say that yes, some heroes are probably fairly crap against Iron Leggy, but I reckon that if the cards go your way, any combination of heroes can beat him - isn't that what the GTG guys have said some time ago, that any combination of heroes can beat any villain? Sometimes I think it's just a matter of getting bloody lucky, but I reckon it is possible. I'd probably just get a bit bored after Iron Leggy beat me about twenty times in a row ;).
My three victories against Iron Legacy (not on advanced) have all been chosen from random heroes. Two of those games randomly obtained Omnitron-X, who makes easy work for Iron Legacy, kind of...
The real trick is not letting him keep ongoings in play, so anyone who can destroy more than 1 ongoing using a one-shot (Absolute Zero and Omnitron-X) are great to appear, along with heroes that have a power to destroy them (Argent Adept and Engine Bunker) are also exceptionally well. Reduction to damage is also very nice, either when playing not on advanced or after he flips. Deal enough damage to him to even out his healing and surpass it and you've got the game in the bag!