Is SotM still only available from >G website?

When I first found out about SotM, I was surprised to find that I could only get it through their website, but I understood because it was so new (PAX had just happened the weekend before). But now, has any of that changed? If I go into a local game store, are they still going to stare at me blankly when I mention the game’s name, or can they finally fill their shelves with copies? If they can’t order the game yet through their normal distribution channels, why is that? What has to happen before anyone anywhere can buy this game?

I believe one of the creators told me distribution was supposed to begin in October. I’m not 100% sure if I remember that correctly or if that happened as planned.

We are distributing through three major distributors (Alliance, ACD, and GTS), so any gaming store should be able to get us in stock. Many stores already have us on the shelves! If your store doesn’t tell them to call their distributors!


When I first found it, it was mid to end July and it was at Table Top Games and Hobbies, which is one of my local stores. And while I was looking at it everyone was like “man that game is so awesome” or “i’m really looking foward to learning how to play it” so maybe you should switch stores if they can’t handle the awesomeness that is known as Sentinels of the Multiverse?

Since we are a new company, our rollout to distributors took a while. Tabletop had the games early because Christopher knows the owner Phil, who is a cool guy :slight_smile: However, starting now, Sentinels is available from a number of distributors around the world, and we are working on increasing that number all the time. If your local store doesn’t have the game, let them know they should; that is one of the best ways to help us out that does not involve spending any money :slight_smile:

I checked with a game store in Santa Clara, CA. They said it’s in their order system now and they’ll have it sometime in November. Also that they’d gotten a number of requests and lots of interest for the game, so that’s good.

I’ve seen Sentinels on the shelf at both Pegasus Games and I’m Board in Madison, WI!

It’s also now available at Top Cut Comics in Loves Park, Il.

I know Games Plus in Mount Prospect, IL had some in August, but I think they got those directly from the guys at Chicago Wizard World

Fair Games in Downers Grove, IL had a copy last week until I bought it for my Nephew for his Birthday :slight_smile: