Just played my first game... two questions...

Just played my first game. First of all, I’m very impressed. We played Legacy, Tachyon, and Absolute Zero against The Baron (in the Atlantis Ruins) in a close loss. We had Baron down to 9 HPs (after flipping him once), and lost. All the decks were very thematic and the card interactions seemed very well thought out. Anyway, I had some rules questions right?

  1. When you apply damage to “X” targets, can you choose the order in which you apply the damage. I ask because Baron had out one of his mobile platforms, but with not very much HP, so we played that I chose to destroy the platform first, and then apply damage to the Baron after the platform was destroyed. Was this correct?

  2. This is an outlier but the question came up. After you flip the Baron card over, you take out the mobile platforms. By some miracle if you had to cycle his deck, would you still shuffle those back in as well? I’m pretty sure it would be almost impossible to go all the way through his deck after he was flipped without either winning or losing though :wink:


  1. Yes. Essentially the order of things that happen “at the same time” is up to the players.

  2. It’s my impression they are removed from the game, so you would not shuffle them back in.

  1. When a card affects multiple targets and does not define an order, it is up to the players to decide the order. This gives the player an advantage, e.g. killing off minions before applying damage to Voss, or one situation I just thought. Ra has his “Flame Barrier” out, and a villain target deals all hero targets damage. The players decide to target Ra first, and Ra immediately retaliates, dealing enough damage to destroy the target. With that target gone, there is no damage left to be dealt to the rest of the hero targets.

  2. Baron Blade’s underside states that all Mobile Defence Platforms go into the trash, and the rules state when a deck is depleated, the trash is shuffled into a new deck. So the Mobile Defense Platforms will be available in Baron Blades second go of the deck.

Awesome. Thanks for the quick replies.

Had one other question that I think is obvious but just wanted to be 100% sure.

On a heroes turn, you must do all of these things IN ORDER?

  1. Play a card (or more than one card if granted to you by a power or ongoing effect). And then, only once you have completed this phase may you…
  2. Use a Power(s). And after using up any of your powers (usually only one), you may.
  3. Draw card(s). Usually one but modified by effects.


The rules state that on a hero’s turn, you may choose to play one card, you may choose to use one power, and you may choose to draw one card. The rules also state that, so long as you didn’t completely skip your turn, if you did not play a card and you did not use a power, you may draw an additional card. The rules then state that a card has utmost priority reguardless what the rules state.

So, basically, you may play as many cards as the cards in play state you may play, you may use as many powers as the cards in play state you may use (note, you can never use the same exact power twice in one turn), and you may draw as many cards as the cards in play state you may draw (plus one more if you didn’t play or use a power). And, in any of these stages, you may choose zero as well.

Yep. I got that part of it. But do you have to do it in the exact order? For example. Could I activate a Power before playing a card?

The rules do state that specific order, so yes, play cards, use powers, draw cards.

That said, if a card tells you to do one of those actions as part of it’s effects, you do so when the card says so, and it does not count as part of that turn. A good example is Ra’s Summoning Staff. It’s a One-Shot you play during the Play a Card phase. It instructs you to first retrieve the Staff of Ra from your deck. It then tells you to shuffle your deck. It then tells you you may draw a card. It then tells you you may play a card. It’s at this point the card is finished and you may then continue playing more cards (if you have plays left) and then move on to the Use a Power and Draw a Card phase. Drawing the card as part of the cards effect does not affect drawing the card near the end of your turn, nor does it get delayed to that point, it’s immediate as part of playing that card.

Correct, correct, correct! You’re on fire, TheJayMann!

Good deal. Thanks for the reassurance and taking the time to reply. Much appreciated!

That likely from playing with four Ra’s, heheheheh.

So much correctness in this thread! And from people who didn’t even invent the game! That’s what I like to see :smiley:

Just to clarify:

  • You do apply damage in the order of the player’s choosing (so, for example, you can kill off the Mobile Defense Platform then opt to damage Baron Blade
  • On a theoretical reshuffle post-flip of Baron Blade’s trash into his deck, the Mobile Defense Platforms would, once again, become available. (That having been said, I’ve never seen that happen)
  • Yup, you gotta do that in order. The order is critical for balance reasons.

“All the decks were very thematic and the card interactions seemed very well thought out.” I agree 1000% with this statement, honestly couldn’t stop think about city of heroes while I played this!!

“Ra has his “Flame Barrier” out, and a villain target deals all hero targets damage. The players decide to target Ra first, and Ra immediately retaliates, dealing enough damage to destroy the target. With that target gone, there is no damage left to be dealt to the rest of the hero targets.” Question about this statement, the way I pictured this is the the cards attack is happening at the same time and all though the heroes can pick who it affects first the source being removed would stop the effect. (maybe that’s just the mtg player in me)

Btw TheJayMan needs a tutor job with you guys… Or maybe make a video showing how to play; Jay?

As far as I can tell (I’ve not seen it contradicted anywhere) when a card is destroyed before it can finish it’s effect, the effect is cancelled. So, when the target card attacks multiple targets at once (all targets, all hero targets, all non-environment targets, all non-villain targets), and one of the targets has a first time attack retaliation (such as Flame Barrier), and it’s able to destroy the source target, the source targets effect is immediately cancelled, disallowing further damage dealt. Though, if that card is dealing fire damage, you might want to let Absolute Zero absorb some of it first (in fact, Isothermic Transducer could help or even replace the need for Flame Barrier in this case).

I’d be willing to take on a tutor position, so long as I’m at least paid in one free set for every expansion released, heheheh.