Kickstarter Launched!!

Now go back it, Sentinerds!!

Here's a link:

Ha... yeah. That would have helped... :)

Backed! Not increasing my pledge to include minis until I see them (and maybe not even then).

Forget the minis, will there be a pledge level for playtesting? (I say selfishly having missed out on all of the SotM kickstarters)

Oh, international shipping, thou art the bane of my life... Hmm. This requires some thinking time.

Doesn't look like there's a mention of a playtest support level at the moment.

I have been waiting for the GSF kickstarter solely to pledge enough to become a playtester. Are there plans to include such an option in the future?

We will likely offer ways to buy-in to the Playtester section of the forum, but we have decided to separate that from Kickstarter going forward in order to make things as uncomplicated as possible.

Agreed. So… you remember that nice idea about coming to London in October… <_<

Just saying.

Someone mentioned in the Kickstarter comments that it's probably a good idea to make a mention of the GSF Kickstarter in the Shattered Timelines Kickstarter so that all of those people know that the new one is happening.  Looks like people are having to stumble across the news in random ways at the moment.

For ST they sent an email to all IR backers. Figured that since there were no time sensitive tiers they didn’t need to do it right away.

We will DEFINITELY be sending this update soon :)

Paul, in the words of the great Phillip J. Fry, 

Email was just sent.

I'm super excited!

Being old and jaded (and, okay, just a bit crotchety), my policy is normally to play a game before I buy it. But you guys have me so hooked with Sentinels that I rubber-stamped GSF "Auto-Buy" the moment I heard about it. Clicked and pledged!

I was wondering whether a Kickstarter for this would be coming up soon...and now it is, I've read the whole page and gone "Oh arse...shipping costs...". So yeah, like Joe-Lewis know about how you might be planning on coming to London later this year...? ;)


+1.  I'd buy into playtesting like yesterday

Gotta say, I'm Gamblin' on this one! I would normally want to be a playtester, but I do not have a printer, so that would hurt my ability to playtest. I'm guessing >Games is not like Plaid Hat Games, and has a vassal program. But I'm okay with that. 

I know it's been said here on the forums but I think it would be really good for GtG to good a good demo video up ASAP along with the rules.  Obviously, many of us here are pledging because we know how awesome GtG has been, but people who are on BGG for example are already expressing scepticism on the lack of info.