Kismet Jinxes

Why does Kismet have One-Shot Jinxes? Don't they go to the trash so the Jinx keyword on them is not needed? Am I missing something? Thanks.

It's so that way they trigger if they are revealed by Karmic Disjunction.

Also, they count towards Kismet's damage bonus if she has her Talisman, which is relevant for Imminent Destruction (or if Fixed Point is in play).

Why does it matter for Imminent Destruction?

Because Imminent Destruction is a One-Shot Jinx that does damage when Kismet has her Talisman (Unlucky Break only does damage when Kismet doesn't have her Talisman), so if she has her Talisman, she gets +1 to damage while Imminent Destruction is in play.

e.g. On turn 1, with no Environment cards or other Jinx cards in play, Kismet would deal each Hero Target 2 projectile damage (0 Environment cards destroyed, +1 from card text, +1 from Talisman damage bonus).

Thanks, I was playing that card wrong.

When the hero affected by a jinx is KOed, are the jinxes destroyed?  I had been playing that they are but I didnt see that stated anywhere.

No, they remain in play until the are destroyed by another method. Just like Plague Rat's infections!