La Capitán Advanced

Am I correct in thinking that when she would be dealt damage, the "move a card from under this card to the appropriate trash. If you do, prevent that damage" clause takes precedence over the "redirect that damage to the non-Villain Target with the highest HP" clause, because it's written before it on the card?

Actually, no. The "first time each turn" clause takes precedence over "whenever." In this case, the only reason the one is at the bottom is because it's in the Advanced section, which has to be at the bottom.


The whole point of it is that it redirects the damage once per turn instead of giving you your cards back, making it harder for you to flip her back. If she didn't redirect until she was out of cards, you wouldn't need to hit her after she was out and she would never redirect.

Interesting question. I'm not sure there is precedent for two triggered effects on the same card.

once per round, actually :P

LCinn – are you seeing a ruling in that other thread that I'm not seeing?

If I remember correctly, I asked this question when the abilities first appeared on the playtesting forums, and got the answer that when you are resolving two triggers at once like that, the heroes get to choose which one.  This makes the advanced text fairly invisible.  Nobody refuted that at the time.  The source was another playtester, nobody official.  I would love an official ruling.

the once per turn is an error on her oversized card. Or at least, I'm assuming the oversized card to be incorrect, both because that's usually the one to be wrong, and because once per turn is insane. But you're right, that's an assumption, not based on a ruling.

during playtesting it was always once per turn. I would actually say once per round is the typo, but it could be that they changed it post-playtesting and didn't change the oversized card.


It doesn't make much sense for round, though. Every other effect like that is per turn. Driving Mantis, Superhuman Redirection, Flame Barrier, etc. Round would be WAY underpowered.

I asked Christopher and he said the small card is correct and the big card is incorrect, thus it IS once per round.  While that may seem underpowered, once per turn is downright ridiculous against heroes that only inflict damage once a turn.



Whether that or removing the card takes precedence first.....I forgot to ask, but my guess is you do the once per round redirection, then you start removing cards.

In all honesty, once per turn makes it to where she flips almost immediately with enough damage dealing One-Shots/Powers.  In playtesting, we rarely had her flipped for a whole round.  I'm pretty ok with making her flip condition a little more relevant.  I'll have to play her a few times to get a feel for it.