Legacy+Ra+Tempest=autowin vs any villian

Hi,  so me and 2 others play this game and it is loads of fun.  That being said, i was wondering if anyone has the same experience that we do being that when we use Legacy, Ra andTempest against any villian then we pretty much auto win all the time.  Does anyone else find this team of three is unbeatable by any of the villians?

Are you including the expansion villains? On advanced mode?


 These are 3 very solid heroes with some nice synergies, but no, they're not unbeatable.  

If you're familiar with the game and have a fair grasp of strategy, you may find that most villians are too easy for you using just about any team.   If this is the case, you need to play on Advanced Mode.  You also may wish to fight more difficult villains,  if you have the Enhanced Edition, there is a guide in the rulebook that gives a general ranking of villain difficulty (though I have to be honest, there are several I don't agree with... but it can be a useful general guide).


If you have only the base game, Citizen Dawn ought to provide a challenge for this team.  She can destroy hero buff cards, and much of the time Tempest's global damage is not as useful, as you do not always want to kill every citizen that comes up.

Also, fight on Atlantis, hardest base game environment, IMO.... especially vs Dawn.

I'll agree on Ra and Legacy being really good - the twoof us played as that team (me as Ra, him as Legacy) on Sunday and we kicked the Matriarch's arse most satisfyingly :D.

i am including all villians from all expansions but i have not played any on advanced yet.  Also, i find atlantis is the easiest of the environments to be honest.

Yeah, I don't find Atlantis to be that bad, either. Megalopolis can be challenging (with the whole "can't play" or "can't power"), but Rook City is the one that really kills me.

I do love me some Insula Primalis, Tomb of Ra, and Realm of Discord! :sunglasses:

ahem Anyway, back on topic… Tempest and Legacy are extremely powerful, in general. Ra does a lot of damage and has some powerful combos that make heroes immune to damage, so pairing him up with two of the most powerful heroes really do take him over the top. However, I’m with the other folks: they aren’t unbeatable. Against Advanced Dawn, Chairman, or Matriarch, they aren’t likely to make it.


Ameena: In your two-hero game against the Matriarch, did you play with H=2 or H=3?

Off the top of my head, Plague Rat seems like it could give this team a run for their money. Although that really depends on Legacy's draw, I think. Next Evolution, Lead From the Front, and maybe Heroic Interception all seem required; without them it just feels like a world of pain and little Ongoing control. Plague Rat's ability to turn damage buffs against the heroes can be a right nuisance.

Try advanced first.  Those three are very good, but nobody's unbeatable.

What do you find easy about it?  

 Atlantis is hard against Dawn, specifically.   A tendency of Krakens to kill off Citizens and grant Dawn invulnerability is a problem.


Rook City was not up for consideration considering it is not a base game environment.  Mars is brutal to equipment characters, and not too bad for anyone else, it's a contender, sure,  it depends on who you have.   Mars is not so bad for Legacy, Tempest and Ra, anyway.       Megalopolis can be annoying and limit hero abilities.   Insula Primalis isn't so bad, and esp with Ra on the team can be incredibly helpful to the heroes.


Atlantis kills off Citizens and helps the villain play more cards, which is always bad.  Atlantis is also chalk full of 15 HP targets that take take a lot to bring down and can't really be ignored.   Flash Floods are great,  but you only have so many.


Rabit - Yeah, we play as H = 2, since there's two of us - that may have had something to do with us winning ;). But even with H = 2, we were still getting our arses kicked by practically everyone before, when we'd been taking turns normally. When we ganked the Matriarch, that was our first game of "we get an extra turn each after the Environment's been". See my latest post in my intro thread for details ;).

I'll assume you've heard the arguments… uh, discussions around "H=2".  :sunglasses:  If not, short version: The game is designed for H of 3 to 5, so H=2 is definitely easier.

I played an H=3 game with 2 heroes once, but the heroes were Youngest Legacy and Tempest. I don't remember who I the villain and environment, but I actually won the game - but with those heroes, is anyone really surprised? :wink:


I say it is easiest because it has many things (like the kraken and the laser) that can be manipulated to be hurting the enemies more than the heroes.  As an example, the laser will blast all the villians making it easier to keep minoins and the such down and the kraken will usually punch villian minions because they will have the lowest health.  The rest of the cards do both good and bad things for the heroes but they can be easily dealt with by say, in the example of pillars of Hercules, having Legacy forfiet his turn and having ra and tempest just deal damage.


There is no villian so far that has come close to beating our 3 man team (ra, Legacy and Tempest) but when we use other 3 man/woman hero comps it gets tough against certain villians (but none are tough on non-advanced mode against ra, Legacy and Tempest).


We do have the enhanced edition and both expansions.  To be fair Citizen dawn was one of the easier ones to deal with.  So far, the most challenging villian has been voss more so than any of the others (including the expansion villians).


We will start playing on Advanced mode to see how it is.

Voss harder than Chairman?

...... Seriously?

Chairman was not too challenging.  We smoked his sidekick pretty fast and then proceeded to whittle him down with minimum casualties being inflicted on us.

So you whittled down his deck so fast that the operative wasn't able to do that much damage for destroying villain cards?

We always put Fanatic on Zealous offense duty when it comes to the chairman.


Voss is a tiny bit more random… forced deployment can cause a perfect storm of suffering and be an auto lose if you dont have a rare combo to counter it with 10+ minions in the trash. Matriarch and Chairman are famously difficult but they dont really have a "we where winning and then we lost" card.

And as of EE I don't even think that works. Zealous Offense no longer affects character cards at all, correct?


Darken the Skies and Prison Break can both serve that role, respectively. Not generally as backbreaking as Forced Deployment at the right (wrong) time, but still pretty disheartening.

I agree with Vyolynce; Prison Break can most certainly be the end game card, especially if it comes near the end of the deck (which it has in the past for me and my friends). It may not be an instant game-ender like Forced Deployment (with the 10+ minion rule), but if Prison Break comes near the end of the deck and you've already eliminated a fair number of underbosses, then the sudden return of 3-4 of them can be catastrophic. At that point, it's usually just a matter of a few turns before all hope is completely lost.

My last two or so games against the Matriarch have yielded decent luck, with at least two of the Darken the Skies coming out near the beginning, hardly affecting us.

You realize that Forced Deployment doesn't instantly end the game right?  By the time Forced Deployment destroys itself, Voss has already performed his Start of Turn check (because he was played first), so you always get a turn to try and get the number below 10 (unless something pops Forced Deployment out of turn).