Legacy Take Down Question

Okay, double check my logic.

Legacy/Omnitron-X with others playing against Spite.

Spite has out 4 drugs (don't recall names) but damage is reduced by 2 points and the one that requires "2 ongoing/equipment cards return to a player's hand".

Legacy plays "take down" declares immunity to energy damage and takes no damage. Spite's deck is marked "you cannot play cards".

Omni-X has the components that do 2 irreducable fire damage out and the one that allows 1 lightning. Omni deals damage--2 fire, 2 fire, 1 lightning:

  • Was Spite's first damage this turn reduced by 2 cancelled by the first irreducable fire damage? 

We ruled yes during the game but wanted to ensure we have it correct for future games.

Even bigger dialemma was when hero's removed 2 ongoing/equip at start of villain turn. Legacy pulls Take Down back to hand.

  • Does the effect of the card end immediately giving Spite card play?

I feel confident it does since Take Down doesn't say "until the start of your next turn". Seem to remember reading somewhere in the forums that effects end when card is removed unless it states "until the start of next turn".

Clearly, the interpretation is vital to how the game proceeds!

To the first question, I would say yes - if you have damage reduction out but are hit with irreducible damage, it still goes through (eg Plague Rat versus Legacy with Fortitude up). Spite's damage reduction drug soaks only his first hit - I think the text reads "the first time each turn Spite would be dealt damage, reduce that damage by H-1" (or H-2, can't remember now). If the first time he's dealt damage that turn is by an irreducible hit, then oh wel, tough to be him - the soak is blown anyway. It'd be the same as Wraith having Stealth up and being hit irreducibly - the Stealth would be blown because she's been hit, but wouldn't reduce the damage because it's irreducible.

Removing Take Down from play - this card stops cards from being played. That drug returns (however many) cards to people's hands at the start of Spite's turn. If Take Down is one of these, its effect ends. Since this happens in Spite's start phase, he still has his play phase to go, and since Take Down is now gone, he can now play cards as normal in his play phase. Less of an issue once he's flipped 'cause then he only deals damage instead of playing cards. Nerfing Spite's damage (eg by double-Stun Bolting him) is a really good tactic against him if you can manage it :D.

I totally agree with Ameena on both counts, and even explained it the way I would have if I would of been here to respond.


Though one more thing, since Take Down doesn't say until the start of your next turn is why it effect ends when it has left play. Something like Next Evolution would continue to last even when it has been removed as it states until the start of your next turn.