
I thought I would start a thread as a place to share memes, webshows, or the occasional cause or item that might be worthy of attention.

So, here’s the first thing I would like to share.

Dice made out of chocolate!
(also in hard candy form)

James Doohan talking about how he helped a woman contemplating suicide.

D&Debate: Dwarves vs Elves.
Dwarves are awesome, Elves cause cancer.

What if the Matrix ran on Windows XP?

Wolverine: The Musical!

Felis Catus fusion belly dance by Morgana from the Nieblas De Avalon dance troupe.

The ‘character’ Morgana portrays would make an awesome SotM villain, I think. LOL.

A clip from The Court Jester staring Danny Kay, one of my all time favorite movies.

I’ve heard of this before and maybe even seen a short clip, but not seen it in its entirety. Hilarious.

The Court Jester is one of my all-time favorite movies, but not just because of Danny Kaye…

Basil Rathbone! The man who made Errol Flynn famous! Basil Rathbone is one of the greatest classic swordfight antagonists. A master of stage combat and making the other guy look good. Also, badass name.