Live Q&A Kickstarter Update (2-13-18)

Didn't see a thread for this yet, so I figured I'd drop the link HERE.

Lots of neat art so far and plenty of behind-the-scenes info!

And now I realized I totally forgot to watch it yesterday :(

Don’t try watching it from an iPad it never loads for some reason. 

So, here's an interesting tidbit from the Q&A...

Prime War represents the "end point" of the Mist Storm timeline.

They said in a Letter's Page recently that we shouldn't get too attached to the Mist Storm timeline, but I wasn't expecting that it'd be ending so quickly!

Doesn’t necessarily mean we’re getting it all in chronological order, though.

That is weird, though. There are so many characters and storylines in that universe that they haven’t covered yet.

Like Catastrophe and Verge, and Warden [Redacted] (not Redacted by me; we never actually saw who it was) and Heartbreaker! (Man Heartbreaker was cool).

Yeah, it surprises me, admittedly.

I had assumed the intent of the rules revamp was to get the Tactics line selling well enough to start expanding it again, but this seems more like "nope this is it no matter how successful it is".

Keep in mind Prime War is out of order since originally the Broken City set was supposed to be first.  So if this does well it may go backwards.  

Aah. OK, that makes more sense. :slight_smile:

But writers bein' mean to my precious Wardens, still tsk tsk.

It’s on the Youubes now

Yeah, I’m certainly hopeful that if Prime War does well they’ll go back and at least release a modified Broken City/For Profit since the story and (at least some of the design work, depending on how much will carry over) is done.

But the fact that there’s a relatively quick end to the story means I don’t anticipate many other expansions even if it does very well.

Is that Christopher making some meta commentary on how the Mist Storm timeline is clearly the sadder timeline? It makes us sad by ending too early?

It could just be that the Tactics style of game doesn’t sell to as big a market as other kinds of games, and they want to put out a new kind of game.

Does the Miststorm universe have to be inherently tied to Tactics style gameplay though?  I would think you could have a different style of game that still takes place in that universe, or even the same style of game that takes place in a different universe.

I wouldn't be surprised if they're becoming increasingly invested in the RPG universe at the expense of the Tactics universe.  There's so much room for it to grow and expand in interesting directions.  I have so many questions about all the hints C&A have been dropping about the futures of so many characters.

In contrast, the Tactics universe is just on a downward spiral.  So many deaths, so much destruction, so little hope.  I'm not sorry to see the end of it.  I'm curious about the new Ennead and that's about it.

I'm kinda torn.

On the one hand, yeah, I agree the storyline is wicked depressing.

On the other hand:

1. I love turn-based tactics gameplay in general.

2. The scenario books give us the closest thing we'll get to actual comics.

3. The miniatures give us the closest thing we'll get to action figures.

Like, a lot of my excitement about Prime War kinda admittedly amounts to "PRIME WARDENS COMICS AND ACTION FIGURES HECK YEAH" >_>;

I think you've hit it on the nose with the first sentence there.  There have been a fair amount of allusions to the idea that many of the SotM characters are from past rpg campaigns run/played by C & A.  Christopher has outright said on The Letters Page that he'd rather run a demo of an rpg than a card game or board game, even one he dearly loves.  I wouldn't be overly surprised if Tactics goes the way of the Marvel "Ultimate" universe, with Prime War bringing it to a close, and the remainder of the Sentinels product line moving towards the rpg.

Plus, from a business standpoint?  An rpg is much cheaper to make than a board or card game.  Not as lucrative, true, but much cheaper and easier to produce.

I was also thinking of the Miststorm universe as being like the Ultimate Marvel universe.  Which makes me wonder if they'll do a similar thing and bring some of the more popular characters from that universe into the "main" universe.

Did Christopher ever post the art from the stream anywhere? I can’t find any threads about it, but I may just be blind.

My understanding is that the transcript/"Cliff's Notes" version will be up sometime next week; I'd assume that the art pieces would be posted with it.

Specifically, Haka.

From what we know bringing the original Haka we know and the other Haka into the same universe means they lose their immortality.