Looking back on past Speculation


That topic was shortly before the release of Rook City all that time ago. It was fairly interesting how much of this was correct. It makes me want to review all speculation threards to see what other stuff I have forgotten and see what may have been right about or stuff that we are still waiting for. Who's with me?


To sum up the other thread, it is essentially speculating on Shattered Timelines and what it may contain, even before Infernal Relics was revealed to be a thing. It was a guess that Chrono-Ranger, Visionary's nemeis, and even Iron Legacy were all going to be inside the same expansion. Kind of neat, isn't it?

It is eerie how on the nose the chrono-ranger guesses were...

In April of 2012, how did anyone know that there was going to be a hero named Chrono-Ranger?

There is a quote from Chrono-Ranger on the card "Infection" in Plague Rat's deck. So it actually looks like the topic really picked up inbetween Rook City and infernal Relics.


And yes, the speculation about Chrono-Ranger was almost dead on! Shows how awesome the folks can be at speculating.

Chrono Ranger is quoted on Infection.

Edit: Other people beat me to it while I was making sure he wasn't quoted on any other cards.

Plague Rat's got some Chrono quotes on, doesn't he?

I remember as soon as I received Rook City, it took me about 5 minutes to look at Plague Rat's nemesis icon, see the name "Chrono-Ranger" listed, and remember that Christopher mentioned a time-travel based expansion. It was pretty obvious pretty quickly.