Looking to do a few demos...

I am planning to do some demos in my local store to drum up interest and was wondering what people think about what would work best.

I was planning on doing Baron Blade with a random environment and letting players choose their Hero.

Also in a 2 player game I was thinking of reducing the HP of the villain by Half to give the players a chance at defeating them.

Any thoughts?

I was just reading through the FallCon (an awesome con in Canada) blog, and ran across these pages. Thought they might help!




Thanks, those links are a good resource. As a veteran demo representative they were enlightening. I am still looking for SotM specific demo ideas though.

I think that it is most helpful in demos to keep the game moving. I tend to show people an efficient way to lay out their play space (where to put the character card, the deck, in play cards, dice/hp counters, etc) so that they can see everything that is going on the first time they play. I also quickly explain some of the key concepts of the game (what the card types are, how the turn works, etc).

I think that those two things are key to a good, smooth gameplay experience. We try to do both of those things in the rule book (with the gameplay layout diagram, and the quick rules), but I know that sometimes people tl;dr the rule book :stuck_out_tongue: