Mad Bomber Questions

Some questions on MBBB's interaction with Imbued Vitality and Fixed Point:

If MBBB has some Ongoings out and Imbued Vitatity is played, would it trigger the effects on both sides?

How would Fixed Point interact with the effects on both sides of MBBB?

Well, I do not think you will ever see Imbued Vitality and Fixed Point at the same time. You know, being different environment decks and all.

Sorry will fix the first post. I meant with the effects on both sides of MBBB.

Well for imbued vitality, there is a ruling that a card ceasing to be a target counts as the ‘target’ leaving play even though the card did not leave play. So the logical extension is that a card becoming a target counts as a target entering play. So if imbued vitality comes out on his first side, I would move each of his ongoings under him and play a villain card for each. On his reverse side, he would destroy them.

Fixed point is always a bit trickier. Certainly on his reverse side, he would be unable to destroy his targets, so they would stay in play and act normally if they entered play with Fixed Point out. The front side is murkier, but since it has the qualifier that cards under him are not considered in play, I would say that Fixed Point prevents him from moving cards underneath him. (An often forgotten feature of Indestructible is that it prevents cards from leaving play by any means).