So one of my favorite things about this game is the rich history it creates. I love the concept of having a multi decade history to the development of the comic line, introductions of characters, multiple comics, etc.
So for fun and out of boredom I started doing what I know many of you have talked about and have probably done much better then I and that is trying to map out what we know of this world from all the tidbits >G has revealed.
I'm just getting started but thought I'd post what I've fiddled with so far. I've had to make a few assumptions and wonder if others would agree with them. As of the initial post here I've started only with the First Appearances (FA)of all the characters as listed here on the website. I've organized it by each column representing a different comic line (Justice Comics, Arcane Tales, etc) and each row representing 12 monthly issues or one years worth of printing.
Assumption 1: The 12 monthly issues per year. This let me stay somewhat general with when things might line up and also fit in the annual issues with the regular issues.
Assumption 2: For comic lines that have nothing else yet seen to direct their start year they start at year 1 while those who have a possible reason for starting later I have listed later in time (with my reasoning listed).
Assumption 3: Freedom Four Annual's numbering is separate from Freedom Five Annual's though they follow each other chronologically.
So here's what I have so far.
I know changes will be made to these as I know some card texts have Freedom Four Annuals past 2 which will drop the Freedom Five and others lower in time.
Whether this is totally off the mark or spot on, I'm having fun with seeing how certain characters compare or may compare to one another over the history of the comic line and thought I'd share.
The next step will be gleaning what I can from both card text and pictures to try and better line up when certain comics happen. So if I see a card in plague rats deck with Ra in the picture, I may adjust things up or down knowing that First Appearances are one of the only concretes in comic history. Long process and I don't know when I'll do that or how well I'll be able to really corallate things.
Thoughts on assumptions or the method I'm following? Input into the findings?