Oh yeah, if Scholar would get an opening hand Grace Under Fire I feel sorry for whomever is going to be getting hit by that. That player might as well be counted out as there isn't any hero that could take a 17 damage attack and recover quickly from it that early on. Other than that, I don't see him being too much of a threat. He won't be the first target, but he certainly won't be the one that people will want to get to the final 5, as a lack of ongoing destruction might arise.
First to be targeted would be Absolute Zero, NightMist, Ra, Haka, Tachyon, Bunker, Tempest, Wraith, and Chrono-Ranger as they all get extremely deadly or near unkillable as the game progresses.
Unity and Omnitron-X would probably be targeted by equipment users as they become lethal with that. Just imagine Unity could play any card she wants and still destroy someone else's equipment to get her bots into play, though I see her keeping bots in play going to be a major issue. If Omnitron-X plays Singularity I mean that's a lot of equipment he'll be able to destroy, and that will deal a lot of damage to a lot of targets. Same as Unity, he won't be able to keep his components.
Argent Adept, Legacy, and Visionary may be ignored until they get to the point where they will be threatening. The moment Legacy plays Legacy Right or Motivational Charge I think a lot of people will start hitting him. When Visionary or Argent Adept plays their ongoing destruction they will be putting a target on their back aswell.
Fanatic is a tricky one. You don't really want to be the only one dealing damage to her as she may have a Wrathful Retribution she is eager to unleash on whomever caused her the most harm.
Fixer will be tough if he gets his Pipe Wrench and Driving Mantis combo out, he may be an early target as well or a heavy hitter will blast him when they see what he has done.
Finally Expat. She may just have to lay low and try to not draw too much attention to herself. I would probably use the Assualt Rifle over the Tactical Shotgun and spread the damage rather than deal 1 target a huge amount of damage. A submachine gun might not be too bad either, as no one will find that very threatening, then when the heroes start to fall you slap the Shotgun on and start clearing the fields. At that point even an unload will allow Expat to wipe out some of the tough heroes left leaving her with someone she knows she could overpower.