Miss Information

I played my first game against Miss Information today, and it was awful. Not awful in a 'we were destroyed' way, just not a fun game at all. She had one Diversion, and her first play was a Clue that would bring it back at the start of each turn (so no point in attacking it). Then several more Clues, including multiple ones which would destroy extra ongoing and equipment cards, making most set-up futile. We just drew cards and waited until she flipped, then smashed her on the round she flipped. Not fun at all.

But people seem to like Miss Information, so I'm curious: What's the difference? Why was this game not fun?

Like all villains in the game, if you get a bad draw you're going to have a bad time.  Play against her a few more times and see if you still have the same opinion.

I'm not horribly fond of Mrs. Information myself. In my opinion, playing her with three players is best because then you only need two clues to flip her and the game feels less like waiting for her to flip.

I'm also not fond of her, and I was part of the playtesting experience.  My group actively avoided playtesting her.  We sort of regret that, in retrospect...

We sat down with the shiny new ST heroes to fight a shiny new ST villain in a shiny new ST environment.  We picked Miss Information, and then spent the entire game not being able to keep a card on the table for longer than a turn, and pretty much couldn't do any of the fun things we were looking forward to doing.  We didn't hate fighting her, but we agreed that our next game should be vs. Voss or Dawn, just so we'd get a chance to actually play our heroes a little bit. :)

One way to actually keep things on the table is to outrun her. Omnitron X is pretty beastly against her. Temporal Shielding prevents a lot of Miss Information's damage, and his Electro-Deployment Unit lets you get a lot of stuff on the table.

In my second game against Miss Information, The Hero Formerly Known As Fright Train was faced with the same situation of a Diversion being repeatedly brought back into play. Fortunately that Diversion was Explosion In the Lab. At the start of every Villain turn he discarded his hand and then drew a card from Ammo Drop. He was fortunate enough to get an Auxiliary Power Source out on one of his other turns, so when she flipped he was able to set up pretty nicely.

Gosh I hate Explosion in the Lab. I had a game where Expat had to sacrafice her hand for a few rounds as well. Luckily she had Pride and Quick draw in her opening hand, so all she had to do was play one of them and use load to pla the other and she started to discard her hand every round.

Played against her a while back and it was brutal, we had 5 players and she had 2 clues out that made us deal ourselves 5 damage each because we had no cards to destroy to lower the cost, next time we'll be playing cards more and hoping some stay around to weaken cards like that. Mr Fixer would help immensely against her as well, play all our equipment without restraint. Then after she flips, Fixer plays Salvage Yard and we get it all back into our hands.

Sometimes, you have to kill clues before she flips.  I pretty much kill Suspicious Malfunction on sight, if she won't flip to take care of it herself.  And that's not JUST because I don't want to bother to figure out what the hell H-X is, though that may be part of it.  Ongoing destruction is helpful in this fight, as it so often is.

I like fighting her, but then, I like Spite.  The approach is different in that Miss Information doesn't really allow you to set up before she flips, where Spite barely cares what you put out.

I like Miss Information. I like the fact that, like Dreamer she plays differently then other Villains. 


I also think she might be tougher with more heroes. Does anyone else think she is easiest with three heroes?

I think of Miss Information (and Iron Legacy) as novelties that I might play on rare occassions for a change of pace.

Mind you, I'm pretty picky about which villains I enjoy playing against. I rarely pull out Plague Rat because I find the Infection mechanic annoying. I rarely play against The Chairman or The Matriarch because I find the 'hardness' of Prison Break and Darken the Skies annoying. I rarely play against Akash 'Bhuta because I find the length of game annoyingly long. Baron Blade and Omnitron? A bit too easy. Apostate? Now that I have a feel for the order the cards need to be taken down, a bit too predictable.


That still leaves plenty of villains to fight and I know that my tastes change over time. (I use to avoid Omnitron because I found the flip mechanic every turn to be annoying, but now it doesn't bother me; I think I'm willing to play Spite again now -- I used to avoid him because OH MY GOD ALL THE THINGS ONE HAS TO REMEMBER, but I know the deck well enough that it doesn't bother me as much).


What I seem to like is villains with lots of targets, particularly lots of unique targets: Dawn, La Capitan, The Ennead, The Dreamer, Gloomweaver. Voss and Ambuscade to some extent. This matches with how much I am enjoying the new environments and how much I like the Tomb of Anubis and Insula Primalis.


I'm currently most interested in Kizmet, though I fear that, kinda like Apostate, I have her number now and there may not be enough variability in gameplay to want to play over and over again.


Would the new locations FInal Wasteland, The Block and Silver Gulch falls in the same category?


Regarding Miss Information I havent got a chance to face her yet. Read through the cards and found them making me laugh since the theme is so good.


For the card that has Legacy missing his cape and Wraith her mask. What is AZ missing??


His chest piece is missing, oh the horrors!

You bet! I wrote that, actually, though I didn't name each one.