I was recounting the cards in my decks to be sure I wasn't missing anything.
Unfortunately, I am missing a single card from Haka's deck...everything else has all their cards and Haka's deck has only been touched once, so I am not sure if I was missing it to begin with or somehow lost a card in the one game it was played. Either way, I need to determine which card is missing.
Current Card Count (not including the Hero Card)
Dominion x3
Elbow Smash x3
Enduring Intercession x2
Ground Pound x2
Haka of Battle x3
Haka of Restoration x3
Haka of Shielding x3
Mere x3
Punish the Weak x3
Rampage x3
Savage Mana x2
Ta Mako x3
Taiaha x3
Vitality Surge x3
Total: 39 cards