misuse of wrest the mind

I’ve not played Visionary much, so when playing today over Skype with younger nephew and his friend, I elected not to slow down our gameplay by looking up the errata on Wrest the Mind, which I could not remember, but just played it as written.

Ha ha ha ha ha! I totally get why there’s errata for Wrest the Mind. I played it and Twist the Ether on Blade and used then to do 16 points of damage to Blade when Slash and Burn got drawn.

You think THAT’S bad? Try this:

Wrest the Mind on Visionary, followed by Mind Spike.

That’s the end of the game, right there.


The card that was errata-ed to read

"Play this card next to a Target, other than a Hero or Villain Character Card. Whenever that target deals damage, you may redirect that damage to another target. If you do, The Visionary deals 3 psychic damage to that target and 3 psychic damage to herself.

If the target leaves play, destroy this card"

should be placed next to Visionary?

(Emphasis Mine)

EDIT:And Holy Deadmen Wraith! Why resurrect this topic rather than posting in the current Visionary topic?

Because, if you READ, you would see that the existing topic was SPECIFICALLY about how glad we were that it was errata’d, because of the shenanigans you could do with its normal text.

Why would I put it in the current Visionary topic, when it’s specifically about an invalid and obsolete strategy?

… Seriously, are you stupid? That’s the only way I can see that you would think I was trying to SUGGEST doing that.

Given your other posts and your group’s interpretation of some of the cards I thought it was a legitimate interpretation of how you played it, without knowing about the errata.

… which is why the topic title is “MISUSE of it.”

So either YOU are a malard, or you are calling ME a malard, which makes you an aardvark.

I suppose the two aren’t mutually exclusive, though…

Moderation note: No name-calling/vulgarity, please. Rude things have been changed to innocuous animal names.

Relax, McBehrer, it was probably a misunderstanding. No need to call out the flamethrowers. Calling someone stupid, a moron and an asshole in the space of two posts isn’t conducive to keeping our corner of the Internet friendly and stress free. We’re all on the same team here. :slight_smile:

… he started it.

To be honest, I’m sick of his constant stream of insults, more or less explicitly stating that I can’t play the game and have no concept of what is and is not in the rules.

lol, it’s probably just that you seem to come on a little hot sometimes (being the best writer ever in the history of writing, it’s understandable ;), and maybe some people react differently to that than others. In any case, as long as we’re all working to keep the temperature down, things will work out fine.