More Ambuscade?

So, I plan on buying the stuff I'm missing from my set next week (all the mini-expansions), but I noticed there is no more Ambuscade :( When do you guys think you'll have more? Only one I found on Amazom was overpriced, and I'd rather buy from you guys (my FLGS doesn't carry the mini-expansions, and I did have to special order my sets)

I don't want to wait until I preorder Vengeance to buy 'em all, so if it'll be a couple weeks, maybe I'll just wait to do my mass order then.

It seems like they have a shipment in june for the EE that is sold out. So it might be possible that they have more Ambuscade then.

So apparently you'll have to wait until then.  Bummer, as he's pretty fun.

Ambuscade is being reprinted, but that process just started recently (along with reprints on a few other things that we don't want to run out of!). Our rough estimate on that right now is August, but we'll revise that if anything changes.

Oh, sorry about that. I could have just clicked on his page on the store, again. Oops.

I know of at least two stores in Indianapolis that have Ambuscade in stock.