SotM mini-expansion has so far been funded through Kickstarter together with the standard expansions.
I'm really looking forward to Vengeance with 5 heroes, 5 villains, 2 environments. But what I really want is Vengeance *and* 1 more mini-expansion hero, 1 more mini-expansion villain, 1 more mini-expansion environment, and perhaps 2 more promo character cards!
Now, with no more Kickstarter campaigns (and thus no more stretch rewards) for SotM and Vengeance to be on pre-order on the website's online store, are there still going to be new mini-expansions?
All of our mini expansions are (and will continue to be) available through your FLGS (who can get them from distributors). If your FLGS does not carry them, tell them that they should! :)
Lol, you're not the only one - I have to cart said box with me on the train whenever I go to my partner's house for the weekend (so, any weekend where he's not at mine) ;).
Hmm yes, I think I saw that, if it was the wooden one. I might look into getting hold of some kind of larger box once I actually do run out of space. For now, the current one just fits nicely into my backpack so I don't have to wear out my arms lugging it around that way ;).