Mr. Fixer: DIY

It has been said that the second damage from Dual Crowbars is unchanging though it is not directly from a Christopher, but I doubt TheJaymann would be lieing.

Also the topic of Jack Handle and Bloody Knuckles has be discussed yet not official ruling as been declared on if he can target himself and get both bonus to all non-hero targets.

Damn, I guess it was too good to be true. Maybe a better wording would be "Whenever Mr. Fixer deals damage, a second target takes the same amount of damage".

Edited to say 'controversial' rather than 'hated' :) You guys make good points; I should have thought of it myself. Thank you!

ArgentInept (I swear to God, I love your username.), It's just that sometimes, I find that I have more use for Tire Iron than Bloody Knuckles-for one, I would not hesitate to put down TI if I didn't have a better Tool in hand, but at the same time, I always always always think thrice before putting down a Bloody Knuckle, and then I always regret it afterwards.

I had one game against Voss where we weren't going to last another round, but we might have been able to take him out and bloody knuckles was the deciding factor. Other than that situation, a literal last-ditch effort, I've always regretted them.


Then again, if you've got a pretty steady damage dealer and you know Mr. Fixer won't be taking damage (whether by other hero intervention or just he's not the highest/lowest and there's no group) why not?

Bloody Knuckles is pretty much always useful against The Matriarch. First it gives you a damage bump, then you sack it to avoid taking damage. This also works against Illusory Demons, or with Absolute Zero's Fueled Freeze.

I'm definaitely in the "love Fixer" camp, and he had a game-winning turn for us against Miss Info last game.  Using nothing more than Driving Mantis, aided about half the time by Dual Crowbars, he was able to weather the non-target side and the damage from Silver Gulch and then slowly but surely hit  after the flip(and have Miss Info hit herself).  At the end TL Tachyon and Unity were incap, EoW Bunker was at 2 life and Fixer still had 16.  It was simple, it required 1 card and it won us the game.


Thanks for the guide. You did a good job keeping a middle ground in the crazy Mr. Fixer controversy. It really helped you keep from being eaten alive. I appreciated that you included the Fixer fixes. I feel honored that mine was mentioned (the discard one).

I think you should include the Driving Mantis Dual Crowbar combo Ronway mentioned. I like that you mentioned the Driving Mantis Pipe Wrench combo. Flamethrower's guides usually mentions nemeses, too. Thanks again.

Thanks for the suggestions, j1hopki1! I'll change it to reflect them :) Especially to credit you for your fix! It really is one of the best fixes I encountered trawling through here :)

I just posted this on another thread but thought it relevant:

I believe the problem with that thread is that people later said that when Christopher said "same period" what he really meant was you don't double dip the damage buffs, for Fixer, however this didn't address DR on targets.

I play it (as a home rule, not convinced that it is correct officially) as if it says "Whenever an attack by Fixer would target one target, you may instead target two targets" for crowbars and "Whenever an attack by Fixer would target one target, instead target each non-hero target" for jack handle. 

That way you calculate the damage bonus and reduction separately for each target.  Since most damage buffs are static Fixer would still get the same bonuses (or negatives) against every target, however each target would get its own DR.  If a target has an something like "this target takes additional damage" it would only apply to that target.

One place where I can see an issue is if he has some kind of damage bonus (or negative) for just the NEXT attack but I can't think of anything that would give him that outside of an incapacitated hero ability.  Maybe you condiser all of it the next attack or maybe only the first thing hit.

Yeah I love fixer, I think he is almost always effective in my hands.  I have had some friends complain about him being boring though.  Not bad, just boring.  Their argument is that once you play a Mantis and a Pipe Wrench (or whatever tool is best in with this enemy, we usually tank pretty hard) you might as well skip card play for the rest of the game.  Ok thats a little exageration because Grease Gun and Salvage Yard rock, and Overdrive and his one shot damage are fine too, its just that too often your hand fills up with styles and tools you never want to play.  I can think of one particular game where a friend was excited by his opening hand, played Mantis and Pipe Wrench in the first two turns and proceded to say "FU Fixer" after every card draw for the rest of the game.  By the end of the game we had won but he had only played one more card from hand in the entire game.  He was quite frustrated even though Fixer did well that game.


Personally even though I like Fixer, if there was one hero in the game I would redesign its him.  Other heros I might redesign a card or a power but thats all.  With Fixer I think I would make redirect of Mantis his base power and last a round, then put a strike(+draw a card maybe) as a second power on an ongoing.  I would make styles bounce to hand when you played a new one and not tools (thats why you have salvage yard).  Overdrive would either allow you to play two cards now or an addtional power this turn, or work like OX's card where you play a card and use a power at the end of your turn.  I would replace about 6-12 cards in the deck with one shots that would either be an attack or on ongoing/environment destruction or some other useful effect.

Allow me to throw my two cents into the debate. Mind you, I don't remember where or how I came to these conclusions other than a literal reading of the cards. I apologize if I am wrong.

For Jack Handle, I read it as "Whenever Fixer would deal damage to a target, INSTEAD deal that damage to all non-hero targets." meaning, if he were to damage himself for Infection, or deal damage to a teammate for Afflicted Frenzy, he would NOT damage his friends and instead hit all non-heroes for the same amount, type, etc. Moreover, while the bonuses/reductions granted to Fixer are only applied once (remember, you are merely changing the target, not having performing another attack), the reductions/bonuses applied to the various recipients would be calculated individually. Example: if he was fighting against, say, the Organization, and used Jack Handle (with a +1 damage only from Galvanize) while a Crooked Cop (-1 damage to underbosses, the Operative, and the Chairman), he would be able to deal 2 (1+1) damage to the Crooked Cop, 1 damage to the Deputy (1+1-1), and two damage to the Operative (1+1-1+1), and no damage to the (unflipped) Chairman.

On the other hand, Dual Crowbars seems to read slightly different. Let us give the same situation as above, except without the Cop. You choose the Operative as the first target of your hit; you deal her 4 damage (1 +1 from Crowbars +1 from Galvanize +1 from Nemesis). You may then choose another target to deal the same amount of damage, meaning 4 again. This is not another attack, so you don't get another +1 ftom Galvanize, etc.

The difference here is that, while Jack Handle implies that you basically hit everyone simultaneously, Dual Crowbars seems to say that you choose one, then you choose another.

Does this sound about right?

That's exactly how I would interpret dual crowbars, had I not read TheJaymann's report on Christopher's intention of the card's effects.  To me it reads like you complete the first instance of damage, then initiate a separate attack with base damage equal to the damage dealt by the first.  When I play Absolute Zero and use thermodynamics with isothermic transducer in play, boosted by galvanize, I deal myself 1+1 fire damage, then deal 2+1 cold to a target of my choice.  The difference being Fixer can more easily collect multiple boosts so the damage can easily skyrocket, but it still feels unfair to treat him differently.

Jack Handle is anyone's guess, I'm happy to accept the instead aspect, because it omits the "as well" that Dual Crowbars has.  Although, the first time I played fixer I had the first instance land, then initiate an attack based on the damage dealt, to all non-heros including the one I just hit.  Like supercrowbars.  It was insane.  I couldn't understand why given the choice you'd ever play the other tools.

So... you mean it would go like this?

Hit one target for 2 (1+1 from Crowbar), then hit another target for 3 (2+1 from Crowbar)

Yeah sorry I just reread you post and realised that wasn't what you were saying at all.  I interpreted crowbars the first time I read it as hitting one target for 1+1, hitting a second target for 2+1.

I have been doing the "the exact same amount" thing since reading around the forums immediately after that first game.  So 1+1 to one target, 2, unmodified, to the second.  I don't like how it ignores damage reduction but I dislike it less than I dislike being able to double-up on boosts from GMF, harmony etc. because that makes fixer's deck extraordinarily unbalanced.

Can I suggest that discussions about Crowbars and Jack Handles and other things should go in their own topic so as to not clutter up a topic about Drakossozh's guide?  This should be a place for feedback on the guide, not on Mr. Fixer in general.

Flamethrower's guide to Mr. Fixer is out now (small world) and I think I like Drakossozh's better. I like the when to use what idea. Flamethrower did point out the Jack Handle rulings questions, though.

/edited. I took out the Character Profile part because (a) I realized that the guide didn't call for a part like that so much, and more importantly, (b) it's kinda Flamethrower's gig, and I'm already, ah, stepping on his toes a bit more than I should, borrowing his format and writing guides and stuff.

I just wanna take this ooportunity to thank Flamethrower again :D


That's funny, because the guide comparisons and criticisms are out now, and I think I like Drakossozh's better!

No, seriously, it's all good.   :slightly_smiling_face:   My way isn't the only way to play, so it's really good to hear what advice other people can bring to the table.  You're not stepping on anyone's toes with your guide, Drako, and I'm happy you're writing.  

That is NOT the response I was expecting from a person called flamethrower... :) 

The flame he throws is the flame of tolerance and polite agreement.