I just played a solo game against Plague Rat in the Pike Industrial Complex (super rats galore!), and MAN was it close. By the end of it, Bunker, Expatriette, and of course, Mr. Fixer were in the single digit HP levels. The MVP? Mr. Fixer!
Every time a new development would come around, Mr. Fixer had the answer. Constant 1 irreducible damage every turn? Praying Mantis! Need to get rid of those pesky lab rats? Jack Handle + Harmony + Charge! Not one, but two DR from Biomemetic Plasma Vat? Alternating Tiger Fist can fix that. (Mind you, I think the DR-2 played a huge role in keeping my heroes alive. I only had to worry about the irreducible damage (1 or 2 a turn, depending on whether infected)-once I'd gotten rid of all the infection cards in his deck, most of his one shots and ongoings were useless in the face of DR-2, while Mr. Fixer was completely ignoring it, hitting him for three a turn from just Strike, plus Overdrives and Charges). It was a long game, yes, but it was intense.
I have to say, I used to be of the mind that Mr. Fixer needed fixing, but now it was Mr. Fixer who completely saved my ass from a giant freak-rat thing.
These forums are bogus. Fixer has never let me down. Sure some games he gets a combo of cards and doesn't need to change up all game, but even then he just lays waste to the enemy. Bad ass!!
When Infection makes Mr. Fixer damage himself, if he has Jack Handle, he instead damages all non-Hero targets. If he's equipped with Dual Crowbars, he can damage another target of his choice, e.g. Plague Rat. It's the same deal with Afflicted Frenzy.
....ARE YOU SERIOUS? Katsue, that, that, that....makes a lot of sense :O AND THAT IS CRAZY. Dude. This makes Mr. Fixer even crazier O_O especially against, as youperguy said, against Plague Rat. YEY FOR MR. FIXER. Bad-ass.
See, here is my perspective on Mr. Fixer. I, like many people, used to see Mr. Fixer as a bad hero. I have since then changed my mind, when I realized that Mr. Fixer is not meant to be a pure damage dealer. If you play him purely with the intention of dealing damage, yes, you will be disappointed. But that's not Fixer's job. As his name implies, Fixer is meant to fix things, to solve problems. Got a villain with DR? I have a solution for that. Got a villain target that's immune to a certain type of damage? Let me give them a taste of my Grease Monkey Fist. Dealing with way too many minions? Let me dig out my Jack Handle. Are we taking a whole crapload of damage? Nothing a little grease won't fix. Crap, did the villain just break all our equipment? Guess it's time to take a trip to the Salvage Yard.
I see Fixer as a kind of janitor for the other sentinels, cleaning things up. It's a thankless job at times, but a vital one. Fixer doesn't need fixing, he just requires adjusted expectations. Plus, if you do want to deal damage as Fixer, you just need a bit of backup. Legacy and AA can turn Fixer into a killing machine. Let me tell you, there are few things more satisfying than beating an alien spaceship to pieces with a few swings of a wrench.
I about love this turn of phrase. Thank you. While Legacy is about making the other heroes do more damage, perhaps Mr. Fixer is about making sure the don't fall down.
He didn't so much swing the wrench as turn it.
"'Oh, was that important?', Mr. Fixer asked as the port engine pod collapsed into itself". Tech vs Tech Issue 5 of 6
THIS. It is sometimes fun to choose Mr. Fixer, and have all my friends say "Dude, seriously? He sucks.", then later on in the game I end up fixing everything, setting it up so that Ra, or Tempest, or Haka can actually damage and finally defeat the villain.
Especially with alternating tiger claw style. And you thought you had damage reduction. I do enjoy the idea of Fixer versus Apostate, since the latter seems like the type to take himself very seriously, and being beaten by an old man with auto tools would probably be quite a blow to his pride. Apostate is monologuing about the inherent evil of mankind and then WHAM! Tire iron to the face.
Ive been playing a lot of Mr Fixer lately, and Ive noticed something
Why is Tool Box considered a bad card? Sure its not specific draw, but if you don't have your style/tool you need yet, you drop that down, draw two cards /and can do it again ont he next turn/ - thats 3 cards drawn a turn, and a power used, until you find whta you need. Thats friggin /huge/
Maybe ive just been lucky but ive had a tool box most games - and the games I havent ive generalyl had at least one tool and style - maybe nto the best for the job but something to put down and start taking advantage of. And he may just be plinking for 1 damage while your cycling with Toolbox, but... wow
We play a lot of l5r, and there is a similiar card calld Game of Dice. only it only works once. And its considered one of the better basic cards in the game, simply because of being allowed to draw 3 cards on your turn. Now thats a competitive game, and hving a card advantage in your hand -is- exteremly important to such games, but still. You can pull like crazy without help from anyone. Sure you'll still get some games where you dont have any of the above, but wow - those can't be that common where you dont have at least /something/ to contribute.