What happened to Legacy's wife in the Iron Legacy timeline? Did she die? Does she join him in the relentless oppression of the world? Or does she go into hiding having to deal with both the loss of her daughter and the utter downfall if her husband?
Legacy is an a-hole... I don't know that I can play him anymore, hahaha.
My partner came up with a question yesterday when we were talking about Iron Legacy - Pauline got killed so Paul is the last Legacy, hence he went a bit nuts about the whole thing, right? But could he not just have another kid (one day, you know, after he's a bit less grief-stricken from the death of this one) and pass on (ooh..."pass on" -> "Parsons"? Just thought of that) the powers that way? I was thinking maybe he can't because it's only ever one child in the Legacy line has powers or something like that, and Pauline was the one so no-one else will get them even if Legacy has twenty kids or whatever.
I had a thought along those lines after I made the above post - suppose there was a Legacy who had two kids and the younger one got jealous of the elder one and became a villain that way?
On another, slightly related note, what happens if a Legacy has twins? That'd be...interesting...double the powers or would only one twin have them?
Something I thought of right after making that last post (but couldn't be arsed to edit) - never mind twins, what about triplets, or more? What if a Legacy had, say octuplets? And what if this was a future generation where the number of powers has already gone beyond eight? Even if the powers were being split between them, at least one of them would miss out. And what if the one with, say, Danger Sense decided he/she couldn't be arsed with all this superhero stuff and left the others to have to figure out for themselves that something bad was gonna happen...
Ha I think if there a bunch of Legacies, then they would all have to come together to have their powers combine into one... kinda like Captain Planet... or better yet, they would have to physically join to make a Giant Legacy, a la Voltron.
It'd also be less of a hassle if one of them died…but what about their power (if we're using the "powers get split up between the Legacies" version)? Would it basically disappear from the gene pool? What if a Legacy had multiple-birth kids who each had powers, and then they had multiple-birth kids? Powers everywhere!
Humankind eventually evolves from a race of bipedal sentient apes to superpowered beings, all due to the mutations found in the Legacy gene. Science advances to the point where people can live indefinitely, poverty, disease, and inequality is eradicated, and the Earth becomes a utopia. All this time, our sun ages from its current yellow into a red giant.
(I think DC fans will know where this is going)
One day, the planet explodes, and only one child, a baby, is sent off world to continue the species. This baby's name... is Kal-El.
This is a pet theory of mine - that there are near-future Sentinel Comics featuring a Hawk and Dove-esue pair of half-powered twins, followed by distant future "Legion Of Superheroes"-style comics, where due to the Parsons gene disseminating after the twins, every human has a single power.