All this hubbub about Expatriette got me thinking... what would be a good mulligan house rule to work with?
In MTG it's drop a card, but with a 4-card hand that would be crippling right out of the gate.
I was thinking of something along the lines of "take 2 psychic damage and redraw your hand". That makes it hurt a bit, but allows you to toss a godawful hand.
I realize some just allow redraws until they get a hand that's workable, but I'm looking for something a little more balanced, that doesn't let a hero draw infinite hands looking for the best one, but also doesn't just knock them out of the game.
It's a team game, so we've been going with one single-person mulligan for the entire team. So only one person can mulligan, and they can only do so once. Gives a good team work feel to the rule.
Yes, yes yes! I feel that is the way to "fix" "underpowered" heroes, as it's not intrusive. I prefer the Fantasy Flight method of mulliganing, where you do draw up to full hand, but you're stuck with it.
I do not beleive the skip a turn to draw two cards counts as a mulligan. I feel that's more of a gaining strength thing where you need to sacrifice tempo for a turn to get more options mid-game (much like in Android:Netrunner if you spend all of your clicks to draw cards one turn).
Well, keep in mind that A) it's your choice, not theirs, and B) especially early on, an extra card draw may be worth much than 2 damage (or whatever). A lot of the damage-dealing heroes are MUCH more effective when they're set up right, and it can often be better early on to forgo a little bit of damage to increase the odds of starting that set-up on round 2 instead of round 3 or 4.
I mean, if you're fighting advanced apostate and Legacy just galvanized so you can take out the Tome of the Unknowable, or Voss has that damage-reducing minion out and you're going before Tempest or somebody with good group damage card in their hand, yeah, suck it up, but if the other players just want you to take out some minion so THEY can focus on the main villain instead of taking out the minion themselves, you are officially cool with rolling your eyes at them, saying "No, guys, I really need the extra card, and so unless Legacy's gonna bolster allies or Tachyon's gonna play Fleet of Foot, I'm skipping my turn"
That said, if a mulligan houserule increases your enjoyment of the game, by all means, play with one!