Ha! Good point. I've actually been contemplating a four Ra's game. For various reasons I actually have two copies of the original core game and two copies of Enhanced Edition. If I do so, I'll certainly want to be careful about this.
I played a two Ra (and Fanatic) game against the Ennead earlier. Horus got knocked out while regular Ra survived to win the game. Ha, I could picture him smirking at Horus saying something like "What happened to you? I thought you were the bigger, badder version of me made specifically to take these guys on?"
I have the original core game and am getting the enhanced edition with this latest kickstarter so we're looking forward to trying some multiple heroes games. Has there been any rulings or discussion about what happens when a Limited card is played?
I believe the official ruling is still "Don't play two versions of the same hero at the same time."
So since technically you'll be house ruling how Limited cards are played you can do it any way you wish.
There has been some discussion about Limited cards on a Legacy + Young Legacy game in this thread: http://sentinelsofthemultiverse.com/forum/topic/finest-and-newest-legacy.
I was thinking that each Legacy card would only count for the Legacy that played it as well as limited cards only being limited to the Legacy that played it. But think about 3 Inspiring Presence in play plus Galvanize giving Young Legacy a +4 to her basic attack and Grandpa Legacy letting her attack twice, toss in as many Motivational Charges as you can muster and Legacy rings for all and you're talking about a huge ammount of damage per turn combined with a shit ton of healing.
Lets do some best case scenario math. 3 Inspiring presence + 3 Surge of Strength + Galvanize = +5 to each attack for everybody. If every hero has a Legacy Ring in play all 3 hero Legacys use Motivational charge at 2+5 damage = 21 damage per round, then Young Legacy uses Atomic Glare for 3+5 damage and Grandpa lets her use it again giving us 16 damage. That's 37 damage each round from powers alone. But that's not all, they each get healed for 3 and Young Legacy gets a bonus hp for Gung Ho. And if you needed more healing Young Legacy (or regular Legacy) could pop off another Motivational Charge for 1 more hp for every hero and 1 less damage to the boss. THOSE ARE AWESOME NUMBERS. Throw in the random Thokk just for good measure and you're breaking 40 damage per turn with 3 heroes.
Now I know that's not going to happen every game but if it happens just once I'll be happy.
I think one power may still only be used once that turn. So if legacy ring allowed you to use Atomic Glare, you cannot use it again that round. Unless I am mixing up rounds and turns here.
I remember reading somewhere that making limited mean 1 per field. Makes it so that you need to coordinate their attacks and what gear to play on the field. I can see 2 legacy working, but 3 just seems like the overlap limits a bit too much.
You are, if it were possibly Young Legacy could use her power every turn, that is Hero#1 turn, Hero#2 turn, Hero#3 turn, Hero#4 turn, the Villain turn and the Environment turn, she just cannot use it twice in any one of those individual turns.