Hello all,
I received the good news today that my order was shipped and should arrive here by the 2nd of the year. I have been lurking around the forums for about a month and a half now and so I've become quite familiar with the Multiverse. I thought a good intro would be to tell a little bit about me, my gaming history, and my basics of SOTM. Also note, I am still a relative newcomer to the Internet so I may go through phases where I don't post in forums, hopefully I will be able to find the time. Also, I may revive a few dead threads if I have appropriate commments for them.
Personal/Gaming History: I just turned 30, played games a lot when I was younger up through college, but haven't gotten a chance to play serious games regularly since 2004, for various reasons. I was an only child, who lived with my grandparents so I had to play board games by myself before there even was a cooperative genre. The fact that one exists now just blows my mind. I finally got a computer with internet access as a Xmas gift from myself to myself in 2011, my first home internet connection since I graduated college in 2003, and one of the things I looked for was for good gaming.
My Sentinels of the Multiverse Knowledge: I became a fan of Tom Vasel's as an attempt to get me back into gaming. I play Settlers of Catan in groups of 4-6, but that's all. Watching his top 100 games of all time, I decided to do some research on the ones that interest me the most. It didn't take long, after looking up some information on Sentinels of the Multiverse, the 1st game I selected, I decided that was the one I would choose. I ordered the Enhanced Edition and Rook City, which while unfortunately delayed, gave me the chance to save up some money and also purchase Infernal Relics. Too bad that I didn't quite understand Kickstarter at the time, so I guess I will have to pick up Shattered Timelines & the Promos in May. Or maybe I could drive to GenCon, I live in Chicago and that isn't too far from Indy.
In my time browsing the forums and listening to the podcasts with the >G team, I've found that they come off as really awesome guys. It definitely wants to make you support a company when I hear their story, and it's so awesome that they are all very interactive on the forums, big thanks for this. I must say, I am biased towards art, and the artwork looks incredible, can't wait to get the cards. I've also find Spiff's randomizer, and being that I love randomization, I am positive that I will be using this from day 1 for all of my solo games (probably about 66 - 75% of my games).
Well that's about all for me, I don't want to bore you, so I look forward to further browsing and contributing to the forums, and looking forward to the new design of the website (which I think will launch intros to potential future projects other than SOTM by >G).
Thanks for reading this far.