New News Post

I recently created a new News Post on the main page (


Questions for all you active forum-goers:


1) Is that something that you do/would notice without it being posted here?

1.a) If so, how? Do you check regularily? Does something else notify you?

1.b) If not, what would help you notice? More frequent/predictable posting? Something else?


2) How do you typically learn about GTG announcements? The News Posts? Mailings? Twitter? The Forums? Friends?


We've got a very active community here on the forums, and I want to make sure that we work to engage with you in terms of announcements, updates, etc. Let me know if there is anything else that you think we can improve on in terms of communication!




Twitter is my go-to, but I'd see things in the forum, too. Just not as quickly. To be honest, I almost never look at the main page:

Hi Paul!

For me personally, I would have never known to check the "News" portion without it being posted here first. Obviously, as an active forum member, this is where I come to learn of any news regarding >G stuff.

For non forumites, I would guess that the "News" section is the first place others would go. To that end, I would think more consistant and predictable updates would mean more traffic to that part of the site for those that might be intimidated or put off by having to dig through the forums to find such things. 

But having a stickyed thread of news posts linking to that portion of the site when new updates are avaliable (sort of like this) are always appreciated.

Hope this is feedback is usefull in some small way. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to finish up GSF and hear about these secret future projects!

I tend to look at the news page, maybe once every 10 days or so, so I certainly appreciate your post tell us there was a new news post asit might have been a while before I looked.

I learn about the GTG announcements here, on these forums, or occassionally through BoardGameGeek, if a fan posts about it there before I look here.

I don't use any social media functions, I just don't see the point of them for me. I'm happy to stay out of the loop for most of the stuff that others consider important news.


What I did like on the old forums was the scrolling banner you had at the top of the forums, that was an excellent way of teasing people with the Rook CIty police announcements, and could be used to alert people to a new news post without needing to create a new thread everytime.

I don't check the forums for a while sometimes. Actually, I completely missed the GSF Kickstarter because I hadn't been checking. (Didn't miss the Shattered Timelines one, was just broke).


I'd totally sign up for an mailing list or whatever if you guys wanted to create something like that. I wouldn't even mind something weekly like that, I'm a pretty rabid fan of you guys.


I'm surprised to see something on the News page, it's been pretty underutilized, if you guys made a habit of updating it, I would probably check it more.


As I was typing this, I liked the SotM Facebook page, that looks like about how often I want to see updates. I still will probably poke through the forums to get news for the most part.


Anyway, you guys rock, congrats on the new hires and the office space upgrade, you guys deserve a bloody break. Stay classy.

The only >G website thing I ever check is the forum - I have that Bookmarked so never go to the main page. Anything I learn about any >G stuff comes from forum posts - I'm online every day and checking all my forums is the first thing I do whenever I get online, so if any announcements are made on this forum I won't miss them. I've never really had much of a look around the main site, though I should get round to reading the detailed character biographies at some point...

Like Ameena, I pretty much just check the forums (and Twitter), so things here are what get my attention. I'm also online daily, so I gt any news poster here fairly quickly.

The forum would be #1 for me.  I'd see an annoucement on Twitter too.  I know I'm in the minority, but I don't Facebook and so would never see that.  I agree that unless I knew to check the News page, it wouldn't occur to me to do so, since that page so rarely has new news.

Opposite of Spiff.

I don't use Twitter, but I do look out Facebook pages.

But the main source have mostly have been the forum or through KS updates.

There's a blog on >G?

Seriously, though.  I typically check the forums.  I'll try to keep up on the blog in the future!

Facebook and forums, for me. I wouldn't have even known a news item had been posted if not for those. (I don't use Twitter; ADHD-Boy here has enough things to distract him. :wink: )

If there were frequent news updates, I'd probably check it every day - I have a collection of sites I hit every morning, just looking for something new. But since it's not frequently updated, I don't post, relying on FB & the forums for that information.

I would have to agree with a number of people in saying that I check the Forums first.  Primarily because it is the most active.

No twitter, unfortunately. I look through these forums most everyday, though facebook would also be another good way of disseminating info.

I had not noticed it when signing in. Typically I click login from the front page and sign in than go to the Forums. Very few of the other pages on here are viewed by me.

If there were more frequent postings such as weekly, biweekly, or even monthly that would take place on the same day than I would actually check that before signing in to see what's new.

Whenever they are posted on the forums I will see the news. I don't check Twitter or Facebook, and i'm typically the one who tells my friends about the new things.


What would be fun would to post up a new hero in the news and see how long it takes someone to spot it and make a post.

Just for the record, I don't use Facebook, or Twitter, or any of that. Just forums.

I would check the newspage with two caveats.... a) it gets updated frequently enough to make it worth checking; b) it's not updated SO frequently that it becomes "noise" that i don't think is actually newsworthy.  So, some sort of middle ground would need to be found for me to check it (and I fully recognize that everyone's threshold for middle ground is different, therefore this becomes a difficult thing to accomplish).

that said, i do visit the forums everyone day or two and click on "new and updated posts" and then look through based on subject lines to see what interests me.  So if it's in a forum thread WITH a meaningful/descriptive header then i'd see it here

I do not use facebook or twitter. Though, I will occasionally click on the twitter link from the SotM main page if the 'latest tweet' that shows up there seemed interesting and/or amusing and i wanted to see the context.

Twitter/forums.  I have Facebook, but I use it exclusively for family stuff.

You've asked people on the forums how they find out about things, so I'd be surprised if, by far, the most frequent way is ... the forums.

Ask the same question just from Twitter or Facebook, and I'd expect a different result.


I read every forum post, follow Twitter, would probably see something posted on Facebook and have (I think) an RSS feed to the News blog.


My guess is that if you really want to be sure to reach people, you have to do it all. Perhaps the best way to do that, though, is to make the news post but then post links to that News blog from everywhere else.

Having just started playing #SotMv I'm always checking everything for any scrap of new anything!

I use Twitter, a LOT, Facebook daily and have been visiting these forums 1 or 2 times a day usually. I also have a Tumblr that I've posted a few pictures of my son and I's #SotMv games on. So, basically, I'm an internet addict that is stalking this game at the moment...

Yep. Like many, when I come to the site, I immediately head to the forums. Any sort of announcement seems to be discussed on the forums, even if not directly. If something comes up that I didn't hear before, I sometimes head to the front page news section.