New To The Game

I don’t recall ever complaining about the game being easy.

Complain would be the wrong word, ‘state with (false) authority (deriving from playing with house rules)’ would be more accurate

For example

I agree with the essence of the quote but you are having an easier time of it than most with your house rules, and thus lose some impact when speaking of it in broad terms.

Again, not that there’s anything wrong with playing with house rules if you are enjoying the game.

House rules can be fun, however if you feel they are making the game to easier, you might what to thank about reworking them, Also, remember that if you play in an official game or tournament these are not allowed. However, sometimes house rules make into official tournaments, i.e. Euchre there are tournaments that allow the rules screw the dealer, going alone and partner’s best. Again, if your having fun more power to you.

Wait, there’s official games and tournaments? Where? When?

Not yet - they’re working on some ideas for conventions, though.

I think it’s more of an issue of showing up at a place where other folks are playing, such as at a game store - especially if you’re lucky enough to have one of the >G folks show up in your area.

I think the core game was balanced so that folks who don’t play a lot of card based strategy games win like 60-75% of the time - so for advanced players (people like… well, most of us who played Magic or other complex strategy type games) that balance will probably end up being more like 85-90% wins. That’s why they have an advanced mode - to bring that win percentage back down, but it’s still close to 75% for advanced players.

Rook City is balanced closer to 50-60% for beginers and 60-75% for advanced players on regular mode and I think that they are shifting things (with new rules and slightly changed cards) in the new edition of the core game to shift the balance there too.

I think one of the strengths of the game is that due to luck of the draw, you could play the same set of heros against the same villian in the same environment and have very very different outcomes each time you played.

^^^ This.

Agreed - another is that there are so many permutations available to play. You can play any combination of heroes against any villain in any environment, and odds are good you haven’t played that particular combination before. :slight_smile: (Especially if you use a random generator… :wink: )

Yeah, luck is a big factor. Me and my friend Tom played the other day using 2 heroes each against Voss and we got slaughtered. We are both veterans of everything from MTG through D&D and Arkham Horror. That said Voss and the enviroment (Rook City) teamed up to just crush us, and my other character (Absolute Zero) just never picked up any speed.

Wow. And neither Voss nor RC have cards that specifically mess with AZ’s stuff, too. That was just unfortunate. I generally love whenever I have an equipment-oriented character and we randomly pull out Voss.

Yup… but then compare it to MAGIC THE GATHERING where every other game has you mana stalled… Sentinels lack of a resource system makes bad luck not nearly as painful or relevant. The only problem is with Absolute Zero specifically… he is great with the right equipment and a self injuring mess without it.

If you’re mana stalled in MTG every other game then you’re building your decks wrong, but that’s not a discussion for here.

Standard 40/20, usually with a few sources of mana besides land.

if I ever get “too good at champions” I think it would be easy to give the villain 1 more “advanced modifier” style card, either homebrew or made by the designers. Stuff like a “death ray” that fires every other turn, a reality warping artifact, a powerful ally that hurts heroes each turn, etc. I’m satisfied with the standard difficulty but I think there is room to grow in increasing the stakes, which is good, lots to look foward to.