So the glorious Sentinels Sidekick app placed Nightmist on my team last night against the chairman. Let me tell you something, she is a powerhouse. I played her like Flamethrower's guide told me to, fast loose and completely disregarding my own mortality. Which eventually got me the spells heal as well as do whatever, and then the Chairman didn't stand a chance. Maybe it had something to do with my pretty impressive team of Unity, The Wraith, and Ex-pat. Needless to say, the chairman kind of got destroyed.
Nightmist does especially well if you have some good right off the bat heroes (I think of Wraith as one of those but YMMV) since it can seem like she's a slow starter. And she is unless you have the devil's own luck (which sometimes you do). The real key to Nightmist that I've found is knowing which cards are discard fodder, since you're gonna do that a lot. And I think she has some of the best theming of all of them. I really do feel like I'm a dabbler in the mystic arts that can often backfire on you but will damage your opponents much more and that are unpredictable.
This. I think they really captured the reality of magic, especially from that universe. Magic is powerful and extremely versatile but unpredictable and always comes with a price. Her deck is by far my favorite both for theme and for actually playing. She can fill any role, do an incredible amount of damage and can be very difficult to kill. Im saddened that her nemesis is very easy.
I tend to play her recklessly, going from full to single digits back to full back to single digits very rapidly. There have been games where I did more damage to the heroes then the villain did due to oblivion (my favorite card in the game, btw) spam. In games I play I tend to be the last to fall despite my reckless abondon
I've only recently tried Nightmist (I played her twice yesterday and she ended up incapacitated once after a somewhat ineffective game). I'm naturally drawn to the Complexity 3 Heroes and I'm looking forward to figuring her out a little better in the future.
I have a question though: What do you guys call the red icons on her cards? The rulebook calls them "spell icons" but I kept drawing a verbal blank whenever I was reading the effect of a card to my teammate. I know that the Ennead icons techinically have names (though I can't think of them off the top of my head), so I was wondering if anyone had a keyword that flows a little better in conversation than spell icon.
I just say Number or X, my teammates usually know what I mean
Nightmist is my favorite character, in fact there's a 4 foot banner of her next to me, and I always say "super secret space number"
We usually call it "Magic Index"
I think I just refer to it as the card's "value", or "spell value".