North West Ohio (FIndlay, Toledo) area want to set up a Sentinels event?

Title says it all, we’ve had fun introducing new people, would love to set up an event to introduce new people as well as meet some fans in the area.

Kirioni, aka John in Findlay, Ohio

I will be teaching Sentinels at Dueling Grounds (441 E. Sandusky St., Findlay, Ohio) this Saturday (28th) 3pm-8pm. Just look for the crowd of people, or send me a message to exchange cell numbers. Parking is available in front of the store as well as just past it heading west on E. Sandusky St. .

Looking forward to meeting you there!

Kirioni, aka John in Findlay

If you guys do get a regular event, I will happily either add a second stick topic or change the title of the current one to not be Indy-specific.

Probably a good idea to have each city with its own sticky thread. That allows each thread to be focused on its own area and people can track the thread they care about.

A great time was had by all, three games in all! Including a close one against the Chairman and the Operative. It will be a while before a regular meeting occurs; I will keep posting new meetings here as I plan them.


This was just a board game meet up, not the party which I need to figure out a date for, as invites will need to go out soon. Anyone know a date when the KS orders are definitely going to arrive by?

Jan 1, 2013?

Considering they won’t ship them out until after GenCon they will probably start them at least Wednesday (giving them time to arrive at home and get everything sorted by then) but I can’t be entirely sure how long the set up process is so I am kind of guessing. There is a good chance they may wait a week before sending them to send out a good chunk all together. Depending on the distance I would say no later than the second week of September. But of course that is just all guessing and wishful thinking, and also in no way should be taken as a 100% definate answer.

And yet, that’s fairly on par with what we’re thinking. Our goal is to have everything shipped out by the end of that week, which is an entirely reasonable goal, provided the shipping company gets the games to us right away. And we will definitely let you know as soon as we have the game. Hopefully, the games will arrive immediately before Gen Con so we can start shipping them out the day we return. I’m actually in the process of making boxes for everyone’s orders, as we’ve already printed off invoices for all the orders. Also, we do have the art prints, so I’m sorting them as well. So many things!

Thank you for your patience.