O-X Defensive Blast

Sorry If This Has been Discussed But Defensive Blast States “Discard A Plating Card. If You Do O X Deals Each Nonhero Target 1 Damage…Ect.” So I Can Discard From The Hand Or Should It Be “Destory” The Plating In Play. A Few Of My Buddies Disagree And I Am Not Sure What To Do.

It would be discarding from hand. Discarding will always refer to getting rid of something in hand.

... and this card is sick against anything that doesn't have any damage reduction or isn't the dreamer.

Not to mention how much it loves damage buffs...

an additional quetion about this card in regards to the timing structure of this power: 

(DEFENSIVE BLAST - Power: Discard a plating card. If you do, O-X deals each non-hero target 1 damage of each type currently reduced by a plating card.)

My question is, do you deal every non-hero target cold damage (for example) and then deal every non-hero target fire damage (for example) untill all damage types currently being reduced have completed, or can you isolate an enemy and deal them all the damage types (fire then cold then lightning...) and then move on to the next enemy dealing them all the damage types?  

This could be important if their is a high HP enemy that is providing a damage reduction buff to the others...where if you were able to kill that target outright (by isolating and dealing that target all damage types currently being reduced by a plating card) more damage to the other targets would be possible.

How are people playing this card out?

PS: the flavor text on this card is EPIC! 

I tend to play it that it deals each target indiviually the all damage at once. Deal the first target all the damage he'll take, same with the second, and so on until on Non-heroes have been hit. Though it could probably be agrued it doesn't work this way, it's just 1 of many ways to see it.

I believe it does each point seperately.  This is important because Galvanize or other sources that increase the ammount of damage that gets done increases each.  So, when galvanize in in effect he would do 2 points of each type.  So if there are four types (I can't remember exactly) he would do 8 points of damage with galvanize.



He definately does each point of damage separately.  The question is the order: Each damage to the first target, then each damage to the next target…  Or the first damage to each target, then the next damage to each target…

I would do each damage to the first target before damaging another target, but I would say it is ambiguous and therefor the players' choice.  I think the only other card with similar ambiguity was Supercooled Trisolvent Vat in Pike Industrial.

I think I'd agree with Dypaca - since it doesn't specify, take players' choice. With the Supercooled Trisolvent Vat I hit each target for the "one and one and one" damage (or more if buffs are in play, eg from the toxic vat which makes this one kinda painful) individually before moving onto the next target. I could see Omni-10 doing some pretty hefty damage if he was buffed even a little bit, even more so than Jim with his bow :D.

I did it all fire, all cold, then all lightning, but I could see it the other way.

Also, just to confirm I was doing it correctly the damage is based off of the damage reductions omnitron x has in play, not the ones on the plating card discarded.


I just had a thought, if omnitron X recieves additional resistances from a source other than his platings would Defensive blast deal damage for those as well?

Someone earlier posted the text of the card: (DEFENSIVE BLAST - Power: Discard a plating card. If you do, O-X deals each non-hero target 1 damage of each type currently reduced by a plating card.) I didn't double check but I'm assuming that is correct.

The most important part is bolded. So no, if you gain resistance through any means other than a plating card, you will not deal damage of that type also.

It's also yet another example of the amazing things you can do with a Fixed Point...

yeah, once I did 8 points of damage to each target with just one of those, unbuffed.


Anyway, the order doesn't matter. The way it's worded, they happen simultaneously, so according to the official ruling the players determine the order.

There has been a ruling how this works with the vat, but I forgot how it was ruled.

Here's the ruling on the Supercooled Trisolvent Vat:


So it seems like all damage is done to each target before moving on to the next. 

Say I have in play plating that reduces damage to melee, projectile, and toxic damage. When I use this power, I discard a plating card that prevents fire, cold, and lightning damage. Do I deal melee, projectile, and toxic damage? Fire, cold, and lightning damage? Or all six?

I believe you only deal damage of the type stated in the card that's in play (melee, projectile, and toxic in this case). The other card was just discarded and never activated, so it doesn't enter the equation here. 

I am literally in the middle of a game where the order is hugely important. Legacy has Heroic Interception in play so he is the only hero that  is not immune to damage. He is not the highest or the lowest. Omnitronks fires a defensive blast that kills all of Matriarch's birds. However, the 4HP Carrion Fields will fry Legacy's 14 HP real quick. In fact, it will fry them before we run out of birds so Legacy dies and we lose the Heroic Interception and then all die. I am going to play it that Omnitronks does all his damage types to a target before moving to the next target since that's what this forum says. This way the Carrion Fields dies before any birds do.

Yeah, I would always fully resolve the effect on each target before moving onto the next one. Defensive Blast says that you "deal each non-hero target 1 damage of each type currently reduced by a plating card". So say you had Ablative Plating out (melée, projectile, toxic), I'd say you hit the first target for all the damage before moving onto a second target, then fully blast that one before moving onto the next target, and so on until all the things are dead :D.