Ongoing Cards

What happens to Ongoing cards when the heroes that played them are incapacitated? It's been so long since a hero was knocked out in one of my games that I forgot what was supposed to happen. I tried looking in the EE rulebook and didn't see anything mentioned (I might have missed it).

I'd assume that their ongoing cards would leave play but I wasn't sure. Some ongoing cards have no use once they are knocked out but some others could still function (some of Chrono Ranger's bounties for instance) so I just wanted to check.

When a hero is incapacitated, all of their cards (of any kind) are removed from the game.

In the glossary of the EE, it indicates that all cards of an incapacitated hero are removed from the game.  See Page 18. 

So it sounds like you did it right.

Yeah, thanks for pointing out the ruling in the EE rulebook. I just want to be able to cite that if anyone argues with me.

We did remove the ongoing cards of the hero that was knocked out so we played it right.

Note that if a hero is incapacitated while under the influence of a villain's ongiong card (eg Plague Rat's Infection), these are not removed when that hero is defeated. In the case of Infection, this means that they'll still attack another hero if Rat has Afflicted Frenzy out, for example.

Does this apply to Jinxes as well? I don't see any reason for it not to, so that's what we did when the situation came up last night.

Hmm, I would presume so, if there's nothing on the Jinx card to say "put this in the trash if the target is incapacitated" or similar. We've only fought Kismet once so far and she kicked our arses. I'm guessing the same goes with Miss Information, for example if someone has the "Isolated Hero" clue on them...though actually this one has the potential to be useful, for example played on Haka before he goes on a Rampage ;).

Isolated hero isn't the worst clue card to get. The only heroes it will always be bad to attach itself to is Legacy and Argent. Everyone else is just fine with it for awhile. Had one hero keep it on the entire game as it didn't effect much at all.

That really depends on what cards they get. We had Wraith get hit with it, thinking it wouldn't be too bad, then realized it shut down Smoke Bombs and Megacomputer, and that she was no longer going to get any benefits from any other heros (such as AA's ability to let other heroes use powers or be healed).

But none of the other heroes were going to be any better off, so it didn't really matter.

I think Haka's Rampage and NightMist's Oblivion are two examples of where Isolated Hero is actually really nice to have around, though! :wink:


One thing though, Mega Computer effects Environment Cards, not hero cards. Sure it is indirectly helping heroes, but considering the target of the card is something not a hero. It'll be like saying if Tachyon Hypersonic Assualted something, it makes it where the Villian target can't deal damage, thus once again Isolated Hero has no effects as the Hero card is effecting a Villian card not the heroes.


It could probably be agrued either way though, it's the way I read it and thus the way I play until the big man comes about and reveals the intention behind it.

In our first fight against Miss Informatino she got out Isolated Hero very early on (first or second turn) and I let it be played on me, as I was playing the Scholar and most of his stuff is self-healing or damage. I suppose it would have been an issue if I'd've wanted to play the "redirect all damage to the Scholar" card, but the need to do so never came up. That card stayed on me for the entire game, I think, and was no major issue - we won :).

The Scholar actually has a fair amount of team support, between Alchemical Redirection, Proverbs and Axioms and Don't Dismiss Anything.

Yeah, he does, but he can also be nicely self-sufficient - he can get by without being able to buff anyone (unlike, say, the Adept or Legacy who'd be pretty buggered as it's their main area of expertise) and similarly has nice healing and damage capabilities on his own if he doesn't want to (or can't) affect a fellow hero. Given that the other two heroes were Legacy and Redeemer Fanatic, we decided that it'd be best played on the Scholar, seeing how Legacy unable to affect anyone was a big no-no, and Fanatic was dealing nice damage with Legacy's buffs. The Scholar's main damage in that game, I think, tended to come from his heal-myself-and-then-hit-something combo, which was managing fine :).