Overdrive plus the Rod of Anubis

If Mr. Fixer has the Rod of Anubis, giving him the power to inflict 2 Infernal damage, what happens when he plays Overdrive? Can he use Strike twice, and the Rod once, or does using Strike prevent him from using the Rod?

Good question! I don't think there's an obvious answer.

I think it's in the wording and timing:

  • If he uses the Rod's power first, he can still use Strike "twice this turn" and can thus use it twice. (It doesn't say one additional time - it says twice. :grin: )
  • If he uses Strike first, he's used his power, so he can't use the Rod's power but he can use Strike a second time.

Just my opinion, though - not an official answer. :wink:

Rabit's answer is correct! Give the ancient martial artist an artifact of great power and watch him go to work!

Personally, I like the mental image of him using the Rod of Anubis AND Dual Crowbars . . .

This might not be the best place to say it, but I really love the Rod of Anubis.   I think "treasure" was a great thing to add in the environment deck, and I'd love to see more of it in environments to come,  maybe in different forms or whatever.   I've had a few games where Bunker was dual weilding Rod of Anubis + Grenade Launcher.  Less damage than Flank Cannon, but depending on timing you can get it out faster.  Plus its just epic.


I've not yet seen Turret Mode + Idol of Ankput + Maintenence Unit + Heavy Plating,  but that would be pretty awesome too.

I'm not really following.

When Overdrive is played, Fixer gets 2 uses of Strike. In order to use Rod, he'll need 1 more power usage. Are we assuming Embolden on Fixer?

It appears that the wording of Overdrive is what is important here.  It says that you can use Strike twice this turn.  So, if Mr. Fixer has and uses another power, he can still use Strike twice that turn.

Got it. Thanks.

Oh wow, I didn't even think of that. So I guess that also applies when he access to Plague Rat's reverse side powers if he has gone crazed with the Infection. Mr. Fixer versus Plague Rat just keeps getting better and better.


Three sword style?

Nope.  Crowbar-Chucks.