Actually that brings up a question I was somewhat curious. The rules do state that you can not use the same power in a single turn, but if it is a fallen hero that uses their incap power to allow a player to use an additional power would that allow them to use the same power they used during the same turn? Maybe one of the creators can give use the satisfaction of knowing, because I personally have mixed feelings about it.
While the official ruling comes down to Christopher, I took the liberty of looking a few things up in the rule book.
From the turn order section:
Power - This Hero’s player may choose to use one Power from one of their cards in play which has a Power. Note: even if a Hero may use multiple Powers in a turn, each instance of a Power may only be used once per turn.
From the glossary:
[i]Power: An ability possessed by Heroes that can be used during a Hero’s Power phase. A given Power may only be used once by a Hero during that Hero’s Power phase, even if that Hero is allowed to use more than one Power during their Power phase.
turn: The portion of the game during which all of the actions associated with a given deck take place. The three types of turns in Sentinels of the Multiverse are Hero turns, Villain turns, and Environment turns. [/i]
This isn’t truly official, but it sounds to me like a power may be used multiple times during a round and that the usage is only limited to once per turn.
Ryan’s got it, but let me break it down a bit further. When an incapacitated Hero allows another Hero to use a power, that Hero doesn’t get to use an additional power on their own turn; rather, they use the power immediately, on the incapacitated Hero’s turn. Thus, they could use the same power multiple times in the same round, but not in the same turn.
Thanks for your question! I hope this helps.