Just saw a thread over at BGG http://boardgamegeek.com/article/12466481#12466481
My question is, is the Prevent keyword still being used? I had thought that Prevent was one of the mechancs that was completely removed from Enhanced Edition.
Any cards, other than Undaunted, still use the Prevent keyword?
Bunker's incapacitated side still uses prevention as well. Those are the only two I can think of.
Expatriette's Flak Jacket also tells you to prevent damage. However, Flak Jacket and Undaunted always prevent damage entirely or not at all, so it doesn't trigger the weird ruling on Wraith's original power.
Bunker's incapacitated ability prevents an amount of damage, so the old ruling potentially still applies. Personally, though, I suspect that they intended to eliminate this use of 'prevent' and just overlooked Bunker's backside.