Proletariat, Visionary and Champion Bot working together.

That’s really confusing. Can somebody explain why?

Because while he is only 1 character, he is also multiple targets. AoE attacks hit all targets in the area, not just characters in the area

Galvinize affects all allys in LoS. All Pro's count as a single ally. Same with Motivational Charge. He is a single ally.

But if there are multiple Pro's in Ambuscade's Explosive Launcher attack, they all roll defense because they are all seperate attackable targets.


I am still on the fence about how Stealth Bot and Twist the Ether interact with multiple Pro's scattered around the board. On one hand I see the argument that all pros count as 1 ally, but then again both of those cards specify where they need to be so it's possible that only those pro targets within the designated range are effected. Though foresight does specifically use the terminology "target" instead of ally, which would strengthen the first scenario.

It's kinda weird.



Anything that designates targets will affect each Proletariat marker, while anything that says Character or Ally will affect all of them.

(At least until we get a ruling that Stops The insane Stealth-Bot combo)

If Pro actually works this way however, we might see the meta-game of tournaments really shake up. Pro and Visionary could see a lot more playtime if some of their combos work long distance with Twist and such.

Stealth Bot + Pro gameplans could force the opponents to go more Melee oriented which would make Operative and Tachyon stronger choices for the meta. 

Honestly, Pro shenanigans would be nothing but good for the tourny meta in my opinion. Would really force out stronger counter picks and ban choices.

By rule Proletariat is one ally, any effect that designates Ally would have to effect every one of his targets or none of them.

That's the main reason I figured ally would mean target, but according to the rulings we have he is one Ally.


This is actually a very clear rule; I wish P's character panel explicitly said this.

One of the best resources you will find is Spiffworld, the Tactics FAQ was gathered during playtesting and he updates them with official rulings when needed.

He also has one for the card game that is equally useful.