Q's about Zealous Offense

At the start of your turn, select up to 2 cards, other than the villan character card.  Those cards cannot deal damage until the start of your next turn,

Wow I have so many questions.

  1. Do you have to name a card, or can you point to the card on top of the villan deck and go “that one.”

  2. If you do name a card, does it affect all cards of that type? For example, you call “Blade Batallion” and there are 2 copies of blade batallion out. Does this block both copies of blade batallion for one “use” of the zealous offense, or would you have to spend both uses to do that?

  3. Do the cards you select have to be in play or can you name a card that you’re worried about, or perhaps a card you know to be on top of the deck. [keeping with the baron blade theme, can you say “Slash & Burn can not deal damage until the start of my next turn”.

  4. Can you choose allied cards, such as “Brain Burn” to be a target of this ability. What about “Pushing the Limits” or “Solar Flare”?

thanks for your time

PS: Deleted the topic I accidentally put in the general thread and reposted it here where it’s supposed to be. I realize TheJayMann’s response was lost, sorry about that. I figured it was best to do it this way anyway.

Blah… Moderator’s have the ability to move a topic from one forum to the other. In any case, I now need to reclaim the post I just lost, to keep my post count up, heheheh.

When I see mention of two cards, I believe it would refer to two card instances, not two card classes. In the latter case, I’d believe it to say something along the lines of “Two types of cards” or something…

It mentions two cards, doesn’t specify two villain cards or two environment cards or two non-hero cards or anything like that, thus cards of any affiliation can be chosen.

I’m not sure about being able to cards not in play, or unknown cards, so I’ll leave that one alone.

The cards chosen may be Hero, Villain, or Environment cards but they must already be in play, and it’s not just naming card and thus preventing damage from any card of that name, but selecting specific cards in play.

Does that leave any questions unanswered?

no, that pretty much clears it up, and pretty much what I expected.

I'd like to add my own question about Zealous Offense...

When I put this card in play, must I also succeed in doing 3 points of damage with Fanatic or immediately lose the card at the end of that same turn it was played from my hand?

Pretty new to the game, so any insight on this kind of wording on cards would be appreciated.


That is absolutely correct. You have to "pay" for it the turn it enters play (most commonly by hitting something with "Absolution") but you don't get to start using it until next turn.

That's the trade for such a powerful ability!

Funnily, we reconvened the game we'd paused overnight, and the first card Fanatic drew upon return was Absoultion :)

Thanks for the info.

Yeah, there are a lot of cards that work like that. You play them, but you don't benefit from them until next turn. Gatling Gun, Electical Storm, and Cold Snap come to mind.