Seeing as how this question has been asked more frequently than all others (except for the ones that have been asked as frequently), this seems deserving of an FAQ entry, especially has it has been asked more frequently than a couple other FAQ entries in the list.
No Wonder We have been having such Problems with Citizen Dawn. When you Apply Damage Modifiers like that with Haka( +1 for each card from Savage Mana) it is real easy to get damage up there. Perhaps you could give a few more examples in the FAQ,
Hedge, my understanding is that if it says, “# damage per [whatever],” they are each a separate attack, and therefore subject to stacking bonuses/penalties. If it says, “X damage, where X = [whatever],” then it’s just one attack, and you may only apply modifiers once.
I was not aware that Haka was all seperate as the two example given are worded differently, I was wanting to know if there was any other cards that were similar , but were written differently. The only reason is I would not have thought that Haka was Seperate instance, so I may think the same thing with others.
I’ve added 3 more examples to the FAQ: two in which the damage as a whole is increased and one in which each instance of damage is increased. Hopefully this makes it more clear.
WriterRyan, you get 10 points. This was the thing I was going to do when I get back, and instead, I find a fantastic FAQ already done with solid, well-worded examples.