question about order of effects

So this has come up in a number of games both against Warlord Voss and especially Omnitron, so, here it goes:

If at the end of a turn, a card effect causes another card with an end of turn effect to be returned to play, does the returned card’s end of turn effect also take place?

I believe a card returned to play effectively becomes the last card in play order, which will thus always occur after the card that caused the card to come back into play, thus if the former card is acting at the end of turn, the card returned will get to use its end of turn after all other cards.


Guess I wasn’t playing that right then, now I know why Voss and Omnitron seemed so easy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shrugging Whenever a card made another card enter play, from the trash or from the deck, we always put it on the far end of a chain and always worked activations from the far end to the near end.

Things on cards happen in the order the cards were played.

So if there are any card effects that bring more cards into play, then the new-est cards were played last, and thus still need to resolve their own effects before the villan turn is completed.