This might be obvious and I'm just not seeing it, but...
how exactly is the H-mechanic handled in case heroes are flipped to their incapacitated side?
We had a game vs. Ennead, where we lost Mr. Fixer (untimely death due to Bloody Knuckles, but he sure did some damage ; ), then Bunker went down and all we had left was Promo Fanatic.
We then figured, since only 1 Hero Character was alive and had a physical presence on the battlefield (Atlantis), that our H went down from 3 to 1, leading to a close victory, with Fanatic dealing out some mean damage and never dying cause of Fixers and Bunkers incapacitated powers combined with her relics and abilities.
However, I am not sure if we would still have made it without being able to "circumvent" quite a few of the Enneads damaging cards, with H at 1 leading to 0 damage.
So the question is, does H stay the same throughout a game, even with Heroes dying and furthermore, in, for example a 2 Hero game, should H be still 3, in order not to break the game mechanics or something like that? (Villains and Environment would still have their turns more often, compared to a 3+ Heroes game, so still a higher difficulty I think)