I'm new to the game, and I have had a couple of things come up that have confused me a bit, and I was hoping for some help.
First, whenever fire in the biosphere (...each hero must destroy one of their ongoing cards or take 2 more fire damage) and meteor storm (all targets are immune to damage) are in play do heroes have to destroy an ongoing card since they can't take the 2 fire damage? Or can they choose not to destroy an ongoing card, and not take the 2 damage because of the immunity? I just want some help on how these two cards interact.
Second, technological singularity says ... Omnitron deals each hero character card 2 lightning damage for each equipment card belonging to that hero destroyed this way. So, if AZ has one equipment card destroyed, to all heroes take 2 damage or just AZ? I have been playing that only AZ takes damage for equipment cards he has destroyed.
Thanks for the help