Compound Upsilon… every player puts h-2 ongoing/equip cards from their play area back in their hand, or h-2 from the total number of heroes, meaning it gets split amongst everyone playing?
Follow-up that I just thought of… I was assuming this meant remove from play and back to hand, which is detrimental. Any chance it’s supposed to mean from trash back to hand, which could be highly beneficial (perhaps to offset the increase of spite’s dmg dealt)?
It's the total amount of cards picked up, not the amount per player, as the first scales linearly, while the latter scales exponentially (making a three player game much easier than a five player game, going against the attempt to have any number of players the same difficulty level).
If it doesn't say "per player" then it doesn't mean "per player". Cards "in play" are those that are…well, in play. So any Ongoings or Equipment cards that you've played from your hand and are still on the table (as opposed to being in your hand or in the trash). There's no reason for Spite to pull stuff from the trash into your hand - it's the heroes' job to do nice things like that ;). If the cards were supposed to come from your trash, it'd say so, just as it would say so if cards were supposed to be taken from each player rather than overall. You can look at something like Omnitron's Technological Singularity or erm, I think there's one of Baron Blade's as well, to see what it looks like when something affects each hero separately.
Spite's effect isn't really that bad, since the cards only go back into your hand so you can play them next time. We just make sure we have a couple of crappy cards in play which can be repeatedly put back into the hand and then played again. This actually works out pretty well if one of those cards is Legacy's Inspiring Presence…