RE: Errata

With all these erratas popping up, will there be a solution for us to easily keep track of them? Say, adding extra errata cards in future expansions to replace existing? or allowing a card exchange system where we send in our old cards and you ship us back the new ones to replace? or at the very least do something similar to the Star Wars: CCG Players Committee, where we can print up “virtual cards” which are just the portions of the card that is being changed, where we can print, cut out, and place on top of the current cards (using some sort of card sleeve, of course)? At least some option where we don’t have to keep a computer screen open or a booklets where we have to look up each time we want to ensure the correct action of a card.

We are definitely going to release free PDFs of errata’d cards on the website, and include correct print versions if we ever print a second edition. In addition, we are looking on getting updated versions of the cards printed along with our next expansion, but because they will have different backs than any other card in the expansion, that might raise the printing cost too high.

I see about the card back. But, if you are in fact going to print second editions, maybe you could order extra cards that have erratas, as it would be cheaper to print them alongside the second edition prints, and then possibly have an exchange program, even if it costs maybe 50¢ per card or so. Maybe even sell an errata pack at a small price. Of course, I’d likely go the “print myself” route.

That is a very good idea, and definitely something we’ll look into doing if we ever have sufficient demand to necessitate a second edition!

Having just started playing, I would rather see all of the info I need on the cards, without having to refer to Erart lists - so if reprinted amdend cards could be made available, then as a customer I would be very interested in buying such a pack.

What about a booster of some kind with amended cards and HP tracking cards?

I would think, if >G does a second edition, they’d print some extras of the errata’d cards, too.

puts on “I used to work in lithographing” hat Generally speaking, it’d be much more economical for them to put all the errata’d cards on the same plate when going to print again and having extras of that plate run on the press. Printing things in bulk ends up being much cheaper per page than printing a small run does because A) it helps offset the initial cost of having the plates made and B) most printers will lower the cost per sheet at certain order size tiers. takes off hat

In any event, Spiff has made an excellent errata compilation, posted here. To avoid checking all the time, you could just put a dot in Sharpie in the corner of the card text box for the cards that have been altered. It’d be relatively unobtrusive but still easily scanned for if you were consistent in the location of them.

I, too, don’t mind 50c per card + shipping if it will cure my OCD. :wink: :smiley:

We would definitely reprint errata’d cards with any “2nd edition” printing of the game. It is also possible that we’ll be able to make them available as individual replacement cards at some point; it is definitely something we’ll look into if there is interest!

+1 for interested customers

also interested

Third the interest

And another. :slight_smile: