
This is probably a  stupid question, but what is the purpose of making Fanatic's equipment also a relic?  What precisely does that do for her?  I guess i don't know what a relic is and how it changes gameplay.



Look at her "End of Days" card.  I think you'll find the answer there.

That as well as Apostate's Apocalypse.  And possible future cards which mention Relics generically. (Thus far, I've only noticed End of Days and Apocalypse actually make references to Relics outside of their own decks.)

General rule is that there are only two keywords which matter for general gameplay purposes.  A 'One-shot" card is played, and then discarded once the card has resolved. A card that does not have the 'One-shot' keyword remains in play after initial resolution of the card.  A 'Limitted" card can only have one copy of that card in play on the table at one time.  All other keywords (including generic keywords such as 'Device,' 'Equipment,' and 'Ongoing') only matter as a keyword mentioned by other cards.

Pretty much this, yeah. The keywords are there for OCCASIONAL referencing, but mostly for flavor. Honestly, having it be a "relic" just plain says cool. 2 cards reference it, but otherwise that's all it's there for.

sweet.  thanks all.