I know this sounds like a dumb question to many, but i've got to ask someone - can a hero that has been incapacitated be healed? Once they no longer have hit points, are they even considered targets?
No, if a card has no hp, it isn't a target. Incapacitated heroes have no hp, therefore they aren't targets. The same goes for an unflipped Miss Information. If you're playing in the Time Cataclysm and Fixed Point comes out, it's possible for heroes to go below 0hp and as long as they get healed back into positive numbers again before Fixed Point goes away, they get to stay alive afterwards :).
This is a total stray thought, but what about the environment card that says every card in play is targetable? Could you reason that an incap'd hero is in play but with zero HP? I don't think I have that environment at home, but I'd be curious if someone is able to check the exact wording of the card.
Imbued Vitality doesn't affect every card, just Ongoing and Equipment cards. Incapacitated Heroes, Incapacitated Villains (from the Ennead deck), Incapacitated non-Villain characters who used to be Villain Targets (The Operative), Drugs and Victims (from Spite's deck) and Diversions (from Miss Information's deck) are all neither Ongoing nor Equipment cards.
Ah, thanks for the clarification. Like I said, I don't have the card to check it myself, so I wasn't sure how it was worded.
Austinmonster, I am actually trying to work out a viable house rule for, ah, resurrecting incap-ed heroes. You should check it out if you want :)